Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Battle of Ain Jaloot

The Battle of Ain Jaloot

The Tartars conquered land after land in the Muslim world. They seemed more powerful than any "super power" we can imagine. Then at Ain Jaloot the tables were turned.

Towards the end of 1258 CE the Tartars started invading the Muslim lands. When Caliph Abu Ahmad Al-Muta'sim began preparing an army to stop the invasion, his minister Al-Alkami tricked him by convincing him to make friends with the invaders. Al-Alkami wrote secret letters to the Tartars promising them to halt any resistance against them provided that they appointed him as a Caliph and allowed him to establish his own Shia' state in Baghdad.  When Al-Alkami misinformed Caliph Abu Ahmad Al-Muta'sim and made him think that a peace agreement had been reached with the Tartars, Al Muta'sim left with his minister, scholars, and leaders to Baghdad to meet the leader of the Tartars, who killed them all, and captured Baghdad. After that the Tartars killed Al-Alkami too because they knew that a person who betrays his leader wouldn't spare his enemy.

After the invasion of Baghdad the Tartars conquered Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of Egypt. After the downfall of Damascus, the Tartars headed to Egypt and Morocco. The Tartar leader sent a letter full of threats to the Amir of Egypt, Amir Qutz. Amir Qutz had a different reply then the rest of the Muslim leaders. Instead of showing any fear, he challenged them. When Amir Qutz's reply reached the Tartars through their spies in Egypt they knew that they were going to face a different type of enemy.

Unity- The Key to Success: Amir Qutz started preparing for the war. To achieve unity he sent messages to the dispersed leaders of the Mamaleeks such as Beebers Al-Bandakari (who was later known as Beebers the superior) asking them to get rid of their unimportant differences and unite to defeat their main enemies.

The most renowned scholar who contributed to this cause was the Sultan of the Scholars Al-Izz Bin Abdus Salam. He encouraged Amir Qutz to fight the Tartars and all Mulisms to unite under his banner for this purpose.

The results were tremendous. Before the Muslims didn't have the strength to fight the Tartars but now the Muslims gained strength and left Egypt for Syria. Before the Muslims never left their city to go out   and fight. In Syria the Muslims led by Amir Mahmood Saifuddin Qutz moved outside the city and reached a place called Ain Jaloot and the battle took place there. Amir Qutz ordered his army to start moving to face the enemy. He also sent an exploratory battalion under the leadership of Beebers towards Gaza in Palestine, which faced parts of the Tartar’s army in small amounts and beat them, covering the movements of the main army under the leadership of Amir Qutz, which finally arrived near the Palestine shore where the Crusaders had some strongholds. Amir Qutz warned the Crusaders and made it clear to them that he could finish them before he met the Tartars if they didn’t stay neutral in this war. Realizing the authenticity of this threat and seeing the power of the Muslim army, the Crusaders were forced to stay neutral.

When the Muslim army came close to the enemy, Amir Qutz, selected the battlefield to be in a valley surrounded by mountains and he steadied some of his soldiers on the mountains to protect the back of the army against any possible enemy. When the Tartar’s army finally came, fighting erupted in the battlefield and the battle became in favor of the Tartars, their army’s right wing started overcoming the Muslim armies left wing. When the Muslims started retreating, Amir Qutzs climbed on a rock and shouted “Wa Islamah… Wa Islamah…” urging the Muslim army to keep firm and fight there enemies. The Muslims fought on and soon after the battle became in favor of the Muslims, until the Tartar army was shattered. Many of its soldiers were being killed or captivated. Not one Tartar escaped death or capture. In this way the Tartars were defeated.


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Sunday, March 25, 2007

FW: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Jangan gelapkan kejayaan orang lain

Sijil Penilaian Malaysia

Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Datuk Dr Ahamad Sipon, pada tahun ini pihak kementerian tidak memilih pelajar terbaik untuk SPM tahun 2006 sebagaimana tahun-tahun lepas. Katanya seramai 4,779 pelajar yang menduduki SPM tahun tersebut mencapai semua A dan daripada jumlah itu seramai 105 pelajar, termasuk lima pelajar istimewa dipilih sebagai cemerlang, iaitu 100 orang yang memperoleh gred 1A dalam semua mata pelajaran

Kata Ahamad lagi daripada kumpulan murid cemerlang, hanya Yeo Jie Ming dari SMK Tinggi Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang yang berjaya memperoleh gred 1A dalam kesemua 16 mata pelajaran yang diambilnya.

Apabila ditanya pemberita mengapa tidak ada pelajar cemerlang untuk tahun ini, Ahmad menjelaskan bahawa dalam kelompok 105 pelajar itu semuanya mendapat pencapaian yang hampir sama.

Benarkah demikian? Mengapa Yeo Jie Ming sahaja yang ditonjolkan, tidak adakah yang setara atau mungkin lebih baik dari beliau? Jika ada mengapa digelapkan?


Kalau sesiapa yang berkesempatan membaca akhbar NST hari ini kita akan dapati bahawa seorang pelajar perempuan Siti Fatimah Mukhtar, muncul sebagai pelajar terbaik bagi negeri Kelantan. Beliau memperolehi 17A1 iaitu1A bagi subjek Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Inggeris, Pendidikan Islam, Sejarah, Matematik, Sains, Geografi, Matematik Tambahan, Prinsip Akaun, Ekonomi Asas, Fizik, Kimia, Biologi, Tamadun Islam, Pendidikan Al-Quran dan As-Sunah, Pendidikan Syariah Islam serta Bahasa Inggeris dalam Sains dan Teknologi, manakala 2A untuk Bahasa Arab Tinggi.

Kenapa, tak hebatkah Siti Fatimah? Rasanya jauh lebih hebat dari Jie Ming lagi. Tetapi kenapa bukan nama beliau yang ditonjolkan?

Kalau mahu tahu cuba lihat nama sekolahnya. Siti Fatimah bersekolah di Sekolah Agama Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan, Kota Bharu. Sekolah milih kerajaan negeri di bawah naungan Yayasan Islam Kelantan (YIK).

Inilah masalah sebenarnya!

Kalau kementerian mahu tonjolkan maka tak secara langsung kementerian terpaksa tonjolkan sekolahnya. Menonjolkan sekolahnya maka terpaksalah juga menonjolkan YIK dan kerajaan negeri Kelantan, itulah sebenarnya masalahnya.

Menurut Berita Harian Siti Fatimah mengaitkan kejayaannya dengan tumpuan ketika guru mengajar serta ulang kaji secara konsisten sepanjang tahun dan berdoa. Kata beliau lagi:
Saya juga menghafaz al-Quran setiap hari bagi menguatkan ingatan saya terhadap pelajaran yang diajar guru.

Apalah yang prejudis sangat. Ini anak Melayu yang cemerlang, takkanlah kerana benci pada PAS yang memerintah kerajaan negeri maka anak-anak bangsa yang cemerlang yang dilahirkan oleh kerajaan negeri ini juga mahu dianak-tirikan!

Sesungguhnya inilah masalahnya dengan orang-orang kita. Sepatutnya apa sahaja yang baik yang disumbangkan oleh sesiapa sahaja antara kita, maka berilah pengiktirafan yang sewajarnya. Yang baik dijadikan contoh yang buruk dijadikan sempadan. Kita tidak akan lihat perkara yang serupa terjadi dikalangan masyarakat bukan Melayu tetapi terlalu biasa sangat sesama kita.

Semoga Siti Fatimah akan terus berjaya dan semoga YIK dan kerajaan Kelantan akan terus berjaya melahirkan anak-anak bangsa yang cemerlang seumpama ini. Mudah-mudahan mereka nanti akan melangkah keluar dengan jaya dan akhirnya berjaya merobah pemikiran bangsa supaya tidak jumud dan ekstrim sebagaimana yang ada pada hari ini.

Author: Unknown

Monday, March 19, 2007

Gentle Reminder

Received a message from my friend:


Just to of my Korean colleague passed away recently while warming up to play soccer. He is in his mid 30's leaving his wife and 2 small kids. They just arrived Doha 5 months ago. Took us by surprise but a gentle reminder by Allah that we all belong to Him.


Another egyptian friend also related a story, when he was stressed from work and returning home, his wife asked him to go for a drive. Then she told him to stop at the maqabir (tanah perkuburan). The wife then made a remark that touched this brother, "If you think you're stress, then those being buried (while pointing to the maqabir) are more stressed than you are!". Thus my friend, let's not forget our true aim and priority in this life, da'wah ilallah wa jihadun fi sabilillah.


Janganlah kerana kesibukan bekerja atau berkeluarga, kita lalai dengan peranan yang harus dimainkan di atas muka bumi ini.


Tazkirah buat myself and sahabat,



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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Allah's Messenger, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said:
"If Allah loves someone He calls (angel) Jibreel and says: I
love so-and-so, so you love him. Jibreel loves him, and calls
the other angels in Heaven to love that person. They love him,
then his love will be made upon earth, and he becomes loved.

"And if Allah hates someone He calls Jibreel and says: I hate
so-and-so and you hate him. Jibreel hates him and calls the
angels in Heaven and says: Allah hates so-and-so, so you all
hate him. They all hate him, and his hatred is made upon earth
and he becomes hated." - Muslim

[Lessons from this hadith] People do things for the sake of
seeking out love from other humans. All the love you need is
found in obeying Allah. Do actions sincerely to win Allah's
love, and love will be yours!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

a'uzhubillahi mina shaitani rajim
bismillahi rahmani rahim

alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin
wassolatu wassalamu 'ala rasulillah

[dah lama diri menyepi]


utk akhiratmu
utk dilepaskan dari api pembakar kulit, kilang nanah mendidih dan jeritan

Bangunlah solat malam

Bulan ini
Waktu ini
Malam ini
Bukan masa dadah tidur
Tapi waktu sedari hakikat
masa sujud berpanjangan
masa air mata taubat
masa madu iman
Masa kembali dan berubah
Hanya untuk ar Rahman