Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Asia puts faith in mobiles

Mobile phone use is growing across Asia

Mobiles phones are not usually seen in the West as a way of keeping in touch with God.
But the growing popularity of communication technologies is providing a way for people in Asia to express their faith, say researchers.

"What technology is doing is allowing people to continue their religious practices and expand them," said anthropologist Dr Genevieve Bell.

"It suggests a completely different way of thinking about technology. In the West, we have traditionally held technology and religion apart from one another."

Faith on hand

Dr Bell has spent the past two years travelling around Asia, looking at how people are using technology in their daily lives.

For her research, she visited 100 homes in seven countries such as diverse as India, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

She noticed that technology was being adapted to fit in with cultural habits, in particular when it came to local beliefs.

"One of the most popular services on China Mobile, which is one of the large mobile phone providers in China, has been the lunar almanac," Dr Bell told the BBC programme, Go Digital.

"Each night you get sent a list of things that are auspicious to do on the next day. This is a traditional activity in Chinese homes.

"You would have had a calendar on the wall. Now the phone has become the platform for it," she said.

In her travels, she has come across people using mobile phones to show them the direction of Mecca or remind them of when it is time to pray.

"There have always been ways in which religious institutions have appropriated new technologies to use them to do interesting things," said Dr Bell, who is doing the research for chip maker Intel.

"What is fascinating to me is why that is something we don't feel we can talk about this. What is the social taboo about saying 'I go online and pray' or I am using faith-based dating services."

New thinking

In the West, the phone is considered an information and communication tool. But Dr Bell says that what is happening in Asia is a "re-imaging" of the role of the mobile.

This will become increasingly significant, she argues, as the number of people with mobiles in Asia starts to outstrip those in the West.

China alone already has 290 million mobile subscribers, outstripping the number of people with a landline.

"Even five years from now, between a third to half of all mobile phone users will not be using English as their primary language," explained Dr Bell.

"They will be Chinese and have a completely different understanding of the world of social relationships and technology."

Source: BBC

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Sumber: Buletin InfoDT Jakarta - 04/Tahun IV/April 2004

Oleh : Aa Gym


Semoga Allah menghidupkan akal kita dengan ilmu yang benar dan mudah-mudahan Allah menghidupkan hati kita dengan iman dan rasa aman dengan kokohnya ma'rifatullah dan cinta kepada Allah SWT. Amin.

Rasa aman adalah kebutuhan yang paling mendasar dari kehidupan kita, dan manusia amat lemah, dia dapat didatangi rasa cemas dari berbagai arah. Setiap saat, setiap sudut dapat membuat cemas bagi kehidupan seorang manusia. Manusia akan cemas dengan nyamuk Aedes Aegetpy betina atau adanya bakteri pada makanan karena takut keracunan. Kecemasan manusia seakan tidak pernah terhenti dan tidak terbatas selalu menghantui segala segi kehidupan. Alangkah lelahnya jika kehidupan yang hanya perpindahan dari cemas, was-was, takut dan bingung. Hal tersebut akan terjadi jika kita tidak mempunyai kekuatan penuh untuk selalu berdzikir kepada Allah SWT. Karena hanya dengan mengingat Allah SWT hati ini akan merasakan ketenangan dan ketentraman.

Kata Al Mu'min dalam Asma'ul Husna terdiri dari alif, mim dan nun, maka artinya adalah pembenaran atau ketenangan hati. Orang yang ingin merasakan ketenangan dan keamanan harus sekuat tenaga meyakini akan adanya Allah SWT. Kalau kita sudah mengenal Allah dan meyakini bahwa Allah yang menguasai apapun dan yang kita takuti, itulah Al Mu'min. Menurut Imam Al Ghozali, contoh Al Mu'min adalah jika ada seseorang yang sudah sangat lemah, dihadapannya terbentang jurang, dan dia tidak memiliki senjata, sedangkan musuh mengejar dibelakangnya. Namun tiba-tiba datang bantuan yang sangat dasyat dengan perlindungan yang sangat kokoh dan amunisi yang melimpah sehingga ada kekuatan yang besar, dan akhirnya orang tersebut yang sudah sangat lemah itu merasa aman didalamnya, itulah Al Mu'min.

Saudaraku, apa yang kita cemaskan sebenarnya ada dalam kekuasaan Allah SWT. Janganlah merasa cemas kalau tidak terpilih dan tidak bisa menduduki suatu jabatan. Untuk itu jika kita menginginkan suatu jabatan atau kedudukan, maka yang perlu dilakukan adalah luruskan niat, optimalkan ikhtiar dan hasilnya kita serahkan kepada Allah SWT. Jangan pernah ada rasa cemas dengan rizki yang Allah telah tetapkan. Allah menciptakan manusia sudah lengkap dengan rezekinya masing-masing. Yang harus kita tekankan adalah apakah kita memiliki ilmu untuk menjemput rizki tersebut. Kita sering cemas jika ingat kepada dunia, tetapi jarang sekali cemas jika tidak ingat kepada Allah SWT. Sebaiknya manusia boleh cemas jika kecemasannya untuk mengingat kepulangan ke akhirat.

Janganlah takut kematian, karena kematian tidak akan terhindar dan tidak akan tertukar. Diri kita adalah milik Allah, maka hanya kepada Allah kita serahkan diri dan dengan berdzikir akan menentramkan hati. Kita hanya takut apabila kematian kita tidak khusnul khotimah.

Kita harus menyerahkan segalanya kepada Allah SWT, termasuk keluarga kita yang merupakan amanah Allah. Kita harus menjaga diri dan keluarga kita dari siksa api neraka. Kita harus memperhatikan setiap perkataan yang kita ucapkan, karena kata-kata yang jelek bisa menjadi do'a yang jelek. Jadikan setiap ketakutan sebagai bagian dari nikmat yang membuat kita harus selalu berhubungan dengan Allah SWT. Setiap ancaman yang menakutkan harus membuat kita semakin yakin bahwa kita hanya milik Allah dan hanya Dialah yang bisa menolong. Itu semua yang akan memberikan ketenangan bagi kita.

Semakin kita jarang mengingat Allah, maka kita akan semakin gelisah. Sebaliknya semua urusan yang dikaitkan kepada Allah, maka itu akan menjadi sumber ketenangan kita. Kita harus menyempurnakan ikhtiar, karena keyakinan itu terkait dengan keadaan hati. Jangan sampai keyakinan kepada Allah mengurangi ikhtiar yang harus kita lakukan. Sebaliknya jangan sampai kegigihan ikhtiar kita memperlemah tawakal kepada Allah SWT. Yang terbaik adalah kita harus bersungguh-sungguh ikhtiar dengan diiringi ketawakalan kepada Allah SWT. Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang disembunyikan dan tersembunyi. Dalam setiap kejadian pada dasarnya ada hikmah yang dapat kita petik jika telah dilakukan ikhtiar.

Jadi segala kecemasan berpangkal karena kita kurang yakin kepada Allah SWT. Muslim yang baik adalah yang memberikan rasa aman bagi orang lain. Rasa aman tersebut bisa diperoleh dari perbuatan maupun kata-kata yang kita ucapkan. Kita dapat membuat orang sakit hati dengan ucapan kita, terutama pada saat melakukan kritik kepada orang lain. Apalagi orang yang suka menghina, sehingga membuat orang tidak pernah nyaman berada di dekatnya. Sifat pemarah juga tidak disukai, karena cenderung berbuat dzolim, tidak memiliki wibawa, wajahnya tidak ramah, perilakunya hina dan tidak akan merasakan ketenangan apalagi kebahagiaan. Ciri orang yang aman dengan kita, jika komunikasi lancar dan meningkat pada saat mengkritik maupun bersilaturahmi.


Rangkuman Pengajian Majelis Manajemen Qolbu, Masjid Agung Al Azhar Jakarta, Selasa 30 Maret 2004. - Humas DT Jakarta -

Monday, April 26, 2004

Delaware yang mencarik jalur keimanan ..
Living the Quran
Al-Nisa (The Women)
Chapter 4: Verse 105

Bringing about an Islamic Society

"We have sent down to you the Book in truth, that you might judge between men as guided by Allah.”

Many writers, such as ibn Taimiyyah and the famous sociologist ibn Khaldoon, state that humans are social creatures. Regardless of the extent to which such statements may be correct or incorrect, it is clear from the Quran that every human being is part of a greater society and is not an island unto himself.

The guidance of the Quran produces not only the Islamic individual with respect to his worship and character, but beyond that it also guides humans in their relationship to one another such that they create a society based on mutual understanding, rights and responsibilities all according to the guidance of the Creator, the All-Wise, the All-Knowing. Allah has made it clear that one of the purposes for which He revealed the Quran is so it may be the law of the land and used to judge what is right and what is wrong.

Some characteristics of the Islamic Society:

This society will be unique, based on the clear guidance from Allah. It will have its own principles and values that it will do its best to propagate and uphold. It will be something distinct from the way of ignorance or non-Godly societies that this world has seen and is witnessing.

The sole raison d'etre of such a society will be to worship Allah and serve His cause. It will stand for truth and justice in every realm of life and throughout the world.

Its members work together to eradicate evil and promote good. They not only purify themselves but they do their best to purify everyone in their society as a whole.

But this proper Islamic society which the Quran can guide humans to not only spreads good and eradicates evil from within but it also feels the responsibility of spreading the word of Allah and the true submission to the one and only God to the rest of the world.
Hence, when a person reads the Quran, he must realize that the Quran is showing him or guiding him to his rights and responsibilities as a member of his own society and even his responsibilities towards all of mankind. When the person reads the Quran in this light and attains this guidance from the Quran, his behaviour and actions will change such that he becomes beneficial and helpful for his own society and the world as a whole: calling people to the way of Allah and helping to establish the Quranic commands in this world.

"How to Approach and Understand the Quran" - Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo, pp. 136-139

Understanding the Prophet's Life
False Pride Condemned

It is narrated by Abdullah b. Masud that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "He in whose heart is as much as a grain of false pride will not enter Paradise." A man remarked: "O Messenger of God! A man likes his garment to be beautiful and his sandals to be beautiful. Would it be considered as arrogance or haughtiness?" He replied: "No, not at all, indeed God is Beautiful and He loves beauty. Arrogance is to disregard what is right and true, and to hold people in contempt."

The Quran and the Traditions strongly condemn arrogance and pride. Instead, Islam teaches its followers humility and expects them to perform acts in a humble way. Pride is an exclusive attribute of Allah which none can share with Him.

Islam does not believe in hasab (ancestral glory) or nasab (pedigree) and has wiped out these false concepts of honour and respect. The one who is most God-conscious is most honourable in the Sight of Allah. All greatness is for Allah Who is Eternal and Everlasting. Everything else is bound to perish sooner or later. In this Tradition, we are told that a vain and conceited person will not enter Paradise.

The Messenger remarked that displaying beauty, however, should not be confused with arrogance and false pride. He further explains that Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. The word 'Beauty' used in the Tradition covers all beautiful things of life.

In the end, the Messenger defined 'al-Kibr' or false pride, as disdaining or not submitting to what is true and right and despising people and thinking less of them.

"A Study of Hadith" - By Khalid Mahmood Shaikh, pp. 98-100

Cool Bits!
When Does Reason Begin To Work?

Intellect depends on perception by the sensory organs. It draws its conclusions from the information supplied by them. Intellect is a faculty which infers from the perceptions received by man. It is unavailing where perceptions fail to supply any information because human reason has nothing to fall back upon except these impressions. It is a reality of which intellectuals generally are not aware. They think that intellect is something self-sufficient, i.e. it functions on its own without assistance from outside faculties. Modern philosophy has, however, established that intellect is useless without the help of the five senses and it cannot exist independently.

"Inviting to the way of Allah" - by Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, p. 76

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

From: "mr meer"
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:26 PM
Subject: Walimah Sameer

Saya SAMEER bekas pelajar kelas 5/12..sekadar nak maklum.ana nak kahwin 2 hb 5 ini. kenduri di umah ana di ipoh ana akan bgth kemudian, tarikh dan tempat.jgn x datang.....mgkin bulan 6...ana bukan kedah lagi..dah pindah ipoh

akad di klate weh..

doa2 lah...

ok wslam...

012-6565360- samer

Monday, April 19, 2004

Menikmati Setiap Episode Hidup
Sumber: Manajemen Qolbu Online [Kajian Bening Hati - Manajemen Diri]

Oleh : Aa Gym

"Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasehat-menasehati supaya menaati kebenaran dan nasehat-menasehati supaya menetapi kesabaran." (QS. Al-Ashr (103):1-3)

Alhamdulillaahirabbil'aalamiin, Allahuma shalli 'ala Muhammad waala aalihi washaabihii ajmai'iin, Saudaraku yang budiman, langkah awal agar kita mampu menikmati setiap detik hidup ini, adalah dengan menumbuhkan sikap ridha (rela menerima kenyataan). Kebahagiaan dan kesedihan, keuntungan dan kerugian, akan terasa nikmat dengan sikap ridha. Mengapa demikian?

Kesengsaraan hidup walaupun dihadapi dengan sikap dongkol uring-uringan, keluh kesah, tetap saja kenyataan sudah terjadi. Pendek kata, disesali ataupun tidak, ridha maupun terpaksa, tetap saja kenyataan itu sudah terjadi dan dialami. Jadi, lebih baik hati kita ridha menerimanya.

Tentu saja ridha terhadap kenyataan yang dialami, bukan berarti pasrah total, sehingga tidak bertindak apapun. Itu keliru, ridha itu amalan hati, sedangkan pikiran dan tubuh kita wajib ikhtiar untuk memperbaiki kenyataan dengan cara yang diridhai Allah. Kondisi hati yang ridha sangat membantu menjadikan proses ikhtiar menjdi positif, optimal dan bermutu.

Saudaraku, orang yang stress adalah orang yang tidak memiliki kesiapan mental menerima kenyataan yang ada. Pikiranya tidak realitis, tidak menerima kenyataan dan tidak berpijak kepadanya. Sibuk menyesali sesuatu yang sudah terjadi. Sungguh, suatu kesengsaraan dan kepedihan hidup yang dibuat sendiri.

Oleh karena itu, sadarilah hidup kita ini terdiri dari berbagai episode yang tidak monoton. Kenangilah perjalanan hidup anda, ambilah kearifan dari setiap episode yang anda telah lalui. Kenanglah dengan kelapangan dada, dinginnya emosi, dan keikhlasan. Tidak ada gunanya menyelimuti kenyataan hidup ini dengan keluh kesah. Itupun tidak menyelesaikan masalah, bahkan menambah luka yang anda alami. Tetapi atasi dengan hati yang ridha, sehingga kita menikmati setiap episode hidup kita sambil berikhtiar memperbaiki kenyataan pada jalan yang Allah ridhai. Wallahu'alam bish shawab.(and/yn)***

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Abdel Aziz Rantisi dibunuh!
Situasi di Palestin akan bertambah buruk - PM

ALOR STAR 18 April - Tindakan kejam tentera Israel membunuh pemimpin Hamas, Abdel Aziz Rantisi dalam serangan peluru berpandu semalam akan menjadikan situasi di Palestin bertambah buruk dan keganasan akan terus meningkat.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, keganasan yang dilakukan oleh tentera Israel itu akan menyebabkan kebencian rakyat Palestin terhadap rejim Yahudi itu semakin bertambah selepas mereka melakukan tindakan yang sama terhadap pengasas Hamas, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, bulan lalu.

``Ini (pembunuhan Abdel Aziz) tidak akan membawa kepada keamanan yang diharapkan untuk Palestin,'' katanya dalam sidang akhbar pada akhir lawatan beliau ke negeri ini, hari ini.

Beliau sebelum itu mengadakan pertemuan tertutup dengan Badan Perhubungan UMNO negeri dan Barisan Nasional (BN) Kedah di Bangunan Tunku di sini.

Perdana Menteri mengulas pembunuhan pemimpin Hamas, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, semalam, selepas tentera Israel membunuh pengasas kumpulan Hamas, Sheikh Ahmad.

Abdel Aziz yang dilantik menggantikan Sheikh Ahmad terbunuh dalam satu serangan peluru berpandu tentera Israel yang terkena keretanya semalam. Dua orang pengawal peribadi Abdel Aziz turut terbunuh dalam serangan tersebut.

Pembunuhan Abdel Aziz dilakukan kurang sebulan daripada pembunuhan Sheikh Ahmad pada 22 Mac lalu - juga dalam satu serangan peluru berpandu tentera Israel.

Abdullah berkata, beliau tidak bercadang untuk menghantar surat kepada para pemimpin utama dunia mengenai keganasan terbaru tentera Israel itu kerana surat yang telah dihantar kepada Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Perdana Menteri Britain, Presiden Rusia, dan Setiausaha Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) mengenai isu Palestin sudah memadai.

``Surat itu telah menyatakan dengan jelas pandangan saya bahawa situasi di Palestin adalah berada dalam keadaan buruk dan mungkin bertambah buruk (jika tidak ada tindakan diambil mengenainya),'' ujarnya.

Perdana Menteri pada Rabu lalu menghantar satu surat kepada Presiden Amerika Syarikat Amerika Syarikat, George W. Bush; Perdana Menteri Britain, Tony Blair; Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin dan Setiausaha Agung PBB, Kofi Annan mendesak mereka memastikan Israel mematuhi Pelan Damai Timur Tengah bagi membina negara Palestin yang berdaulat dan merdeka.

Dalam suratnya itu, Perdana Menteri melahirkan kebimbangan ketara terhadap sokongan yang diberikan oleh Bush kepada pelan pengunduran yang dicadangkan oleh Perdana Menteri Israel, Ariel Sharon, dalam lawatannya ke Washington baru-baru ini.

Perdana Menteri juga menyatakan kebimbangannya bahawa sokongan sedemikian bukan sahaja akan menggalakkan Israel terus mengetepikan kepentingan Palestin dan tidak membantu memenuhi matlamat Pelan Damai, malah tidak menangani isu teras konflik itu sehingga mungkin menyebabkan proses damai secara keseluruhannya terjejas.

Abdullah berkata, tindakan terbaru tentera Israel itu menunjukkan pelan damai yang dirangka oleh Amerika Syarikat dan Israel sebelum ini tidak dipakai dan diketepikan oleh Israel sendiri.

Sumber: Utusan
Living the Quran
Al-Araf (The Heights)
Chapter 7: Verse 37

To Testify Against Oneself

"Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God or denies His revelations? These shall have whatever has been decreed to be their lot [in life]. When Our messengers come to carry off their souls, they will say: 'Where, now, are those whom you used to invoke besides God?' They will reply: 'They have forsaken us!' Thus, they will bear witness against themselves that they had been unbelievers.”

This is a scene of death as it overwhelms those who fabricate claims against God, alleging that their inherited concepts and philosophies and the traditions and laws they enact for themselves have been sanctioned by God. Such people deny God's revelations when they are conveyed to them by His Messengers although these contain a perfect divine code. Thus, they prefer their suspect, unconfirmed knowledge to the confirmed truth of God's revelations.

The angels come to gather their souls and cause them to die, at which point the angels ask them: what happened to the fabricated claims you used to emphasize? Where are the gods you invoked and worshipped, which caused you to turn away from the truth conveyed to you by God's messengers? Where are they now at this very critical point in time when your lives have come to an end, and you find no one to give you an extra hour beyond the deadline appointed to you by God?

They have only one answer to make. It is a clear, unambiguous and factual answer: They have simply gone away, far away. We do not know where they are, nor do they have a clear way of returning to us. Lost indeed are those whose gods cannot find them or who cannot help them in their hour of need. Worthless are the gods who know no way to reach their servants when they need them the most. Their reply them was a clear acknowledgement of being in the wrong.

"In The Shade of The Quran" - Sayyid Qutb, Vol 6, pp. 90, 91

Understanding the Prophet's Life
Ask of Allah Only

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "If you ask, ask of Allah"
[Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas. Recorded by Al-Tirmidhi]

The important point for the Muslim is to realize that Allah and Allah alone is able to truly grant his needs. Therefore, he should turn only to Allah and realize that, even if Allah uses other humans to meet his needs, the one who truly fulfilled his needs is Allah.

It is recorded in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet took an oath from a number of Companions, such as Abu Bakr, Abu Dharr and Thaubaan, that they would never ask for anything from anyone. If any of these Companions dropped their sticks or their camel reins, they would never ask anyone to pick it up for them but would get it themselves.

However, people are often in situations where they need to seek assistance from others. Therefore, it is important to recognize that there are two types of asking from other humans. One type is forbidden. As for the second type, it is still best for one not to ask of any other human.

1. The type that is completely forbidden is to ask of another human what is typically not within the ability of a human being. This would include asking them for guidance, asking from them things related to the unseen and unknowable, or praying to people who are dead and in their graves.

2. The second type is where people ask of each other what is normally with the ability of a human being. This is the kind of mutual assistance and help that takes place all the time among mankind. However, even when turning to other humans for this permissible type of request, one should realize that the request will only be satisfied by them if Allah guides them to that decision.

"Commentary on the Forty Hadith" - By Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo, pp. 748-752

Cool Bits!

Following is an excerpt from the conversation that took place between Said Ibn Jubayr and one of his students before Said was arrested and later on executed by Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf

Are We On Truth?

Umayr (a student) :
Will Truth remain with its wings broken? Its propagators are killed and its people and helpers are tortured? Whereas Falsehood is proud of its numbers and preparations, shedding blood, taking wealth and sacred things, and in whatever they want and there is none to stop them or oppose them. Are we not on Truth and those oppressors on Falsehood?

Said :
May your mother be bereaved of you, O Umayr! Are you in any doubt regarding this? By Allah if they cut us piece by piece so that the birds eat us and we are in the stomachs of the sharks, we will not doubt that we are on Truth and they are on Falsehood.

Umayr :
Then how is it that they are winning and we are losing after losing?

Said :
No, not quite like that. We will truly lose the day we doubt the Truth we are inviting others to or believe in the Falsehood they are upon. If an isolated person is steadfast on Truth in the face of Falsehood, he has truly won, even though in the eyes of the others he may be a loser. Shall I give you an example?

The most vivid example in our history is the hijrah (migration) of the Messenger of Allah: The day when he was forced out of his homeland and took refuge in the heart of Cave Mu'tam. I wonder what you thought of this situation. Do you think he was defeated or was he victorious?

"The Scholar and The Tyrant" - by Yusuf Al Qaradawi, pp. 19, 20

Thursday, April 15, 2004

From: Mohd Azrul Razak
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:19 AM
Subject: Walimatul Urus Mohd Azrul Razak

Assalamualaikum wbt

InsyaALLAH, pada 2 Mei 2004 ni akan diadakan walimatul urus untuk ana di Felda Jerangau, Terengganu. Di rumah ana pulak 30 Mei 2004. Kad jemputan InsyaALLAH ana akan hantar pada sesiapa yg sempat ana hantar atau yg emailkan alamat pada ana di Sesiapa yg berkelapangan masa dijemputpersilakanlah ke majlis tersebut. InsyaALLAH, ana berbesar hati untuk menerima kunjungan sahabah sahabiah sekelian.


From: "nazefah hamid"
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:04 AM
Subject: Walimah Rohayu Mat Said

Assalamualaikum wbt

Saya mewakili sahabat kita, Rohayu Mat Said (5/6) ingin menjemput Tuan/Puan/Encik/Cik ke majlis perkahwinan Rohayu pada Sabtu, 24 April 2004.

Semoga dengan kehadiran Tuan/Puan/Encik/Cik akan memeriahkan lagi majlis ini.


Tuesday, April 13, 2004

From: "abd.rahimi ah.rajuddin"
Subject: Walimah Rahimi dan Syuhairah

Assalamualaikum wbt

Saya Abdul Rahimi Ahmad Rajuddin ( 5/7 ) dan Syuhairah Hamzah ( 5/1 ) ingin menjemput Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan/Encik/Cik ke majlis perkahwinan kami pada 1 & 3 May 2004.

Alamat dan peta ada disertakan di dalam url di bawah (click pada nama ). kad insyaallah dalam proses penghantaran, tapi kalau tak sampai tu, anggapkan laa ini offical invitation form both of us :)

Semoga dengan kehadiran Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan/Encik/Cik akan memeriahkan lagi serta menambah keberkatan pada majlis kami ini.


Note: Moga berbahagia dalam sakeenah, mawaddah dan rahmah sehingga ke jannah insha Allah ^_^ Ni pasangan ketiga KISAS + KISAS and Hira' + Hira' untuk musim ni ^_^

Monday, April 12, 2004

From: Adzlan Klang
Subject: Walimah Hazlan & Adlin

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Saya Hazlan bin Hj Atan bekas pelajar kelas 5/11 dengan sukacita menjemput Putera dan Puteri Kisas sekalian ke majlis perkahwinan saya dengan Adlin Haryati Bt Hj Arshad (bekas pelajar 5/10) seperti tarikh di kad yang di"attach"kan :)

Insya Allah kad yang asal akan tetap dihantar tetapi kalau tidak kesampaian janganlah kehadiran putera dan puteri sekalian tidak kesampaian juga.

Sukacita juga dimaklumkan majlis pernikahan kami akan diadakan pada 30hb April 2004 (Jumaat) di Masjid Sultan Sulaiman (masjid yang penuh nostalgia) selepas Asar. Kepada sesiapa yang berkesempatan dijemput hadir.

Semoga dengan kehadiran Putera dan Puteri Kisas sekalian akan memeriahkan lagi walimah ini Insya Allah.

Datang jangan tak datang!

Note: Moga berbahagia dalam sakeenah, mawaddah dan rahmah sehingga ke jannah insha Allah ^_^

Sunday, April 11, 2004

World press despair over Iraq

Newspapers throughout the world reflect anguish and uncertainty over the situation in Iraq one year after the toppling of Saddam Hussein's regime and in the wake of the growing violence and kidnapping of foreigners.

One of the leading US dailies pleads for clarity over the coalition's mission in Iraq, while an Israeli commentator sees parallels with his country's presence in Lebanon, which ended ignominiously.

Some Japanese papers believe that hostage-takers must never be appeased, despite the kidnapping of three of their nationals.


What we need desperately in Iraq is a clear mission, a believable strategy for success, a morally viable exit plan and international involvement.

The New York Times - US


The array of challenges the United States now faces in Iraq seems to have emerged almost overnight but is actually the accumulation of mistakes, miscalculations and missed opportunities since Saddam Hussein's government collapsed a year ago.

Iraq specialists quoted in The Washington Post - US


We can never give in to the threats of hostage-takers.

Sankei Shimbun - Japan


We can never succumb to this despicable threat. We must deal with it with a firm attitude.

Yomiuri Shimbun - Japan


The United States has no options now that it has been proved that its political plan to propagate democracy has failed. The US plan has therefore reached its end, because US culture is a culture of war which the world does not need. Peace is humanity's only option.

Ukaz - Saudi Arabia


The resemblance between our invasion of Lebanon and America's invasion of Iraq is amazing. We wanted to create a new order in Lebanon; they wanted to create a new order in Iraq. Within a short time, in both cases, the Shia had woken up and the invading armies became targets of attack. We pulled out without achieving a thing and Bush is still there, mired in a sea of blood from which no good will come. If I were him, I'd send Saddam Hussein back to Iraq - he would know how to sort this mess out in no time.

Commentator in Haaretz - Israel


A year later, and Iraq, loyal to its brutal tradition, has sunk in rivers of blood, bitterness, hatred and paranoia. Who still remembers President Bush's vision of regional democracy that would begin in Baghdad and Ramallah and spread to the other Arab countries?

Commentator in Yediot Aharonot - Israel


The Iraqis have discovered that the freedom the Americans introduced means humiliation, enslavement and the usurpation of Arab resources so that America can grow richer by starving and subduing the people.

Commentator in Kul Al-Arab - Israeli Arab


Yes, Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled, but Iraqis have discovered that one regime was replaced with one that is much worse, and that the American occupier and his allies are much worse than Saddam.

Al-Sinnarah - Israeli Arab


Even if Iraq is not the US military's 'second Vietnam', it is still a frightening quagmire... anti-US sentiment in Iraq has reached a critical point, which is likely to give rise to a nationwide anti-occupation situation... America's self-invented 'liberator' image has collapsed just as the statue of Saddam did a year ago.

People's Daily - China


George Bush has forced the leaders of the Arab world to fear not the fate of Saddam Hussein, but a large-scale Shia uprising and a civil war capable of spilling beyond the borders of Iraq... [The situation provides] a chance for Moscow's voice to be heeded by Washington... the opinion of Russia and its partners in the anti-war camp should be taken into account.

Commentators in Nezavisimaya Gazeta - Russia


For power to be handed to the Iraqis in June, it must now first be taken from them. The resistance is growing because the Iraqis don't want to live under occupation. And no amount of military force will make them feel otherwise.

Krasnaya Zvezda - Russia


With the insurgencies becoming more frequent and violent, the 'coalition of the willing' is proving to be a 'coalition of the wavering'... A year after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the coalition no longer controls much in Iraq, which is starting to look like Afghanistan at the time of the Soviet occupation.

Liberation - France


The Americans have failed to re-establish security for property and people throughout the country, and security is the minimum service that any population expects of the state. Without security, freedom will always remain an empty word in Iraq.

Le Figaro - France


Spain has to make an urgent reassessment of its military presence in Iraq. One part of the Plus Ultra Brigade has become isolated in Najaf and other places. Spanish troops did not go there to fight or come under siege from a population which rejects them, but to help in reconstruction.

El Pais - Spain


The situation in Iraq is getting increasingly explosive. Shia and Sunni rebels are uniting their forces... a clear challenge to the occupying forces, pushing the conflict towards a new, unpredictable situation. The war in Iraq is copying, in other ways, the worst characteristics of other conflicts. As in Chechnya, the first kidnappings of foreigners have emerged.

ABC - Spain


The pictures of the dead and injured are as striking as those of the abducted foreigners. But we must not forget this: during Saddam's terror there were no cameras to capture the images of the dead, the tortured and the mutilated... Nobody can really want the Americans to hand the country over to the Iraqis and come home. The upshot would be unimaginable, bloody chaos, worse than anything that we are currently having to watch.

Commentary in Bild-Zeitung - Germany


Schroeder did his country a service by not sending Germany to the front line in Iraq in the alleged war against terror.. So that there is no misunderstanding: it is important for Germany to be friends with the Americans. But for this very reason, it could also be important not to be friends with George W Bush.

Commentary in Bild am Sonntag - Germany


The invasion of Iraq is still suffering from the error that existed at its birth: There is no clear formula for how the country can live in peace. Prophesies that Iraq would be ungovernable seem now to be coming true.

Commentary in Sueddeutsche Zeitung - Germany


They won the war. But... have lost the peace in Iraq. The worst thing is that each day takes the country even further away from the vision that allegedly brought the "coalition of the willing" into the country.

Commentary in Berliner Zeitung - Germany


The US-led coalition has lost the peace in Iraq - if it ever existed and was not just self-delusion. The second war - following the first, which began a year ago and seemed to have ended with the overthrow of Saddam Hussein - has only just begun.

Commentator in Frankfurter Rundschau


The peace was lost from day one when Baghdad was taken over by looters, robbers and murderers.

Commentary in Der Standard - Austria

Walimatul-Urus 6 Alumni Hira'

Assalamu'laikum warahmatullah

Makluman kepada semua Ahli Alumni Hira'.

InsyaAllah, 6 ahli Alumni Hira' akan melangsungkan walimahnya pada 1 dan 2 mei 2004. MKT ingin mengambil kesempatan ini mewakili seluruh warga Alumni Hira' mengucapkan Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada mereka. Semoga Allah memberkati dan merestui ikatan serta dilimpahkan dengan nur, rahmat serta hidayahNya.

1 Mei 2004

1) Sri Wahyu binti Md. Yusof (batch 2)
2) Muhammad Saifuddin Hj. Mohamed Rehan (batch 2)

2 Mei 2004

3) Nurin Mazaya Zulkifli (batch 4)
4) Ruqaiyah Morhalim (batch 2)
5) Muhammad Ameen Kamaruzaman (batch 1)
6) Syarifah Khadijah Khiruddin (batch 4)

Untuk keterangan lanjut sila ke

Barakallahu lakum wa baaraka 'alaikum wa jama'a bainakum fee khair.

Imran Jamalul-Lail
Setiausaha Alumni Hira'

Note: Moga berbahagia dalam sakeenah, mawaddah dan rahmah sehingga ke jannah insha Allah ^_^

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Indonesia Melangkah Megah Bersama Demokrasi

Pada tanggal 5 April 2004, kotaraya Jakarta menjadi cukup sepi. Pada tanggal ini juga satu sejarah dan lembaran baru dunia politik Indonesia sedang berlangsung. Tulisan saya sebelum ini pernah menyentuh tentang “Indonesia sedang menikmati demokrasi. Kita Bila lagi?”, telah menceritakan sedikit sebanyak tentang suasana pemilu di Indonesia. Pada tarikh keramat ini, segala persoalan telah terjawab. Tidak ada sebarang kacau bilau, tidak ada sebarang usaha provokasi oleh pihak pihak tertentu.

Suasana pemilu dijalankan dengan cukup aman sekali. Sepanjang kampanye selama 3 minggu tidak kedengaran langsung suasana kacau bilau seperti yang diwar-warkan oleh beberapa pihak tertentu.

Rakyat Indonesia telah belajar dari kepahitan dulu, sejarah 1999 tidak mahu mereka ungkitkan lagi. Cukup sekali kepedihan yang mereka lalui. Kini mereka yakin dengan terlihatnya kampanye yang adil dan saksama. Liputan media yang adil dan saksama menjadikan rakyat Indonesia puas. Mereka punya pilihan dan hak mereka sendiri.

Mereka tidak bodoh mereka dan sama sekali tidak ingin pemerintah memperbodohkan mereka lagi. Cukuplah cuma sekali.

Di awal pagi selepas pemilu dilaksanakan Ketua Komisi Umum (KPU) muncul di sebuah stesen TV memberikan sedikit laporan tentang suasana pemilu kali ini. Walaupun mengakui beberapa masalah teknikal sambil memohon maaf kepada rakyat kerana menghadapi sedikit kesukaran. Namun beliau dengan bangga menyatakan Pemilu pada kali ini dijalankan dengan penuh ketenangan, aman dan menjangkakan sekiranya keadaan ini berlanjutan, demokrasi akan terus subur di Indonesia dan seterusnya menuju ke arah negara maju.

Kematangan para pengundi jelas terlihat apabila warga memberitahu kepada wartawan betapa mereka mengharapkan kerajaan yang telus dan adil seterusnya membawa perubahan kepada mereka. Menilai daripada jawapan masyarakat tersebut jelas ia adalah lahir daripada hati nurani mereka.Tanpa di sumbat dalam pemikiran ideologi tertentu daripada pihak tertentu.

Keindahan di pagi 5 April 2004 tidak dapat dibayangkan jarang boleh melihat kota Jakarta seindah itu. Seorang pengkritik di stesen TV pada kali ini tidak mengkritik pada hari-hari biasa malah beliau menyatakan harapan yang cukup tinggi melihat Indonesia bangkit dan berjaya, hasil daripada pemerhatiannya ke atas pemilu kali ini.

Kemudian dalam beberapa siri analisis suasana pemilu, ada di antara mereka yang berpendapat ini adalah perkara yang cukup indah yang tidak terlihat pada zaman pemerintahan Orde Baru, yang mana kebebasan akhbar disekat dan mereka yang tidak sehaluan dengan pemerintah akan diteror (diancam dengan pelbagai ancaman).

Terfikir saya sejenak di Malaysia jika tidak sehaluan dengan kerajaan apa akan jadi pada diri kita? Apa yang akan terjadi kepada keluarga
kita? Apa akan terjadi kepada jawatan kita? Apa yang terjadi kepada perniagaan kita? Tentu anda dapat menjawabnya. Fikirkanlah sendiri,
tanyalah sesiapa pun sama ada orang UMNO atau orang PAS. Tetapi orang PAS tentu akan dapat menghuraikannya dengan panjang lebar.

Lihatlah apabila reformasi berlaku pada 1999 kini sudah 5 tahun perkara itu berlaku dan tentu sekali rakyat Indonesia tidak mahu terjadinya suasana berdarah tersebut berulang. Mereka percaya tentang prinsip keadilan dan ternyata keadilan telah diberikan kepada mereka.

Media bebas melaporkan apa sahaja. Kempen pemilu dibenarkan dan tidak dihalang. KPU (Mirip SPR) bebas dikritik. Harta-harta kerajaan tidak disalahgunakan. Pendek kata semuanya adil di mata masyarakat. Masyarakat puas kerana tuntutan keadilan telah dilaksanakan jadi tidak ada sebab mereka perlu marah–marah dan merusuh. Malah suasana cukup tenang sekali.

Ketua PAN iaitu Amien Rais menyatakan dalam iklannya “kalau kami korupsi kami rela dipecat!” Kemudian dalam pertemuan di Stesen TV
beliau menyatakan “Keadilan bukan sesuatu untuk diperkatakan, keadilan adalah sesuatu untuk dilakukan, diamalkan dan ditegakkan.” Begitu penyataan sikap beliau terhadap erti keadilan.

Bagi kita di Malaysia, keadilan Cuma di bibir tetapi dari segi perbuatan ketidakadilan berleluasa sekali. Berikanlah ruang untuk BA bersuara, ini tidak BA tidak dapat bersuara sama sekali dan hampir tidak kedengaran langsung. Jangan lah jadi begitu hina, kemenangan yang tidak ada keadilan adalah kemenangan yang hina.

Seperti yang pernah saya ulas, jika pertandingan adil dijalankan pasti semua pihak puas hati dan pihak yang kalah akan akur dan menerima dengan hati terbuka. Apa yang ditakutkan oleh pemimpin UMNO kalau benar mereka mengamalkan juga pemerintahan Islam dan mengakui Malaysia sebagi sebuah negara Islam sebenar. Sedangkan jika beristeri dua jika tidak adil akan Allah persoalkan kelak inikan pula dalam menjaga sebuah negara dan di dalamnya ada rakyat jelata yang kecil lagi kerdil. Tidak takutkan ditanya Allah kelak?

Sedikit tambahan tentang Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, ternyata keterbukaan mereka sebagi sebuah partai politik Islam dan kini mengubah
sedikit imej menyebabkan ia antara partai yang mendapat dukungan rakyat sekarang. Ia antara partai yang berada di antara kelompok 5 besar. Oleh itu pimpinan PAS silalah ambil sedikit iktibar supaya menjadikan PAS parti yang hebat dan mampu menggugat UMNO (tanpa isu Anwar atau isu–isu lain yang menguntungkan PAS). Dari segi agama rakyat sudah mendukung perjuangan PAS namun dari segi teknologi dan perkembangan ekonomi biarlah PAS lebih hebat dari UMNO dalam soal itu. Seorang yang saya lupa namanya pernah berpandangan supaya PAS berupaya menjana ekonomi sendiri.

Apa kata PAS bangunkan ekonomi dan beli TV3, beli Utusan Malaysia, beli bank. Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Indonesia telah menjalankan promosi melalui televisyen yang harganya beratus-ratus ribu. PAN pimpinan Amein Rais mengiklankan bendera partai menggunakan pesawat boeing! Betul juga kata seorang penulis di Harakah baru-baru ini, kenapa perlu tunggu apabila menang pilihan raya baru hendak melakukan semua itu (maksud saya menjana dan memperkasa ekonomi).

Jika UMNO suatu hari nanti rebah (sekarang pun dah rebah sebab dalam UMNO kini sendiri mereka menafikan hak untuk bersuara. Inikan pula hak rakyat marhaen. Kini mereka sedang sibuk lobi-melobi untuk merebut jawatan dalam pemilihan UMNO kelak) Berbalik kepada persoalan saya tadi, jika UMNO rebah adakah PAS sudah bersedia untuk memikul cabaran dan tanggungjawab kepada rakyat? Kalau ya, ayuh kita buat perubahan sekarang.

Maju Malaysiaku Damai Bangsa Ku

Oleh Hj. Asmawi Bakri

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

The Nature of Man

Now, as for man, when his Lord trieth him, giving him honour and gifts, then saith he, (puffed up), "My Lord hath honoured me." But when He trieth him, restricting his subsistence for him, then saith he (in despair), "My Lord hath humiliated me!" (89:15-16)

Remember my dear comrades, verily, every good deed, will give birth to many good deeds. And every bad deed, will give birth to many bad deeds. Therefore, strive for that one good deed, and struggle to abstain from that one bad deed.

Tambahan: Pemilu Indonesia

Pemilu Indonesia

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Click to enlarge

Dear Beloved Son
Valuable Pearls of Islamic Guidance

Imam Abu Hamid al Ghazali

This book by "Hujjatul Islam" Imam Al Ghazali offers advice to children who are about to enter adulthood.

+ how to communicate with your neighbours and elders
+ how to dress suitably, how to socialise correctly
+ offers advice on manners and respect
+ offers clear and concise guidance on communication with parents


To counsel others is an easy matter, the difficulty is accepting advice since it is bitter for those who follow their own inclination and desire. They love the forbidden from the depth of their hearts. This is more applicable to seekers of knowledge and students of learning, those of them who are busy with the benefits of this world. They believe that mere abstract knowledge, without proper action, will rescue them. This is the belief of the philosophers. Praise and Glory be to Allah, the Greatest of all. They do not know this much, that when they acquire knowledge, if they do not work according to it, the indictment against them is certain. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said "The person most severely punished on the Day of Judgment is the learned one who did not follow Allah's guidance and did not benefit from his knowledge"
Dear Beloved Son (1)
By: Imam Abu Hamed Al-Ghazali

My dear son,

May Allah grant you a long life as His obedient servant and may He place you in His service alone. May Allah guide you to the right path of those who love Him and are loved by Him. Know, my son, that real advice should be sought in the Revelation and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. If you have attained advice from it, what need have you of my advice? And if not, then tell me what you have attained in these past years?

Monday, April 05, 2004

Dalam bilik 'berseorangan'.

Apabila tidak tenang, bosan dan gelisah melanda tika bersama dengan diri sendiri, tanda keadaan diri (nafs) itu berada dalam ketidak tenangan.

Then how will you prepare yourself, when you are alone with your nafs, inside the grave.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Hayya Natahaddath 'an Hubbillah

Bak kata akhi al-habeeb Moeh .. "Setiap kali dengar lagu ni rasa sebak... pasti bergenang mata dibasahi titisan air jernih..."