Innaka La Tahdi Man Ahbabta ..
.. wa lakinna Allaha yahdee man yasha'
* Diadaptasi dari sebuah kisah benar.
[Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah wa assolaatu wa assalaamu 'ala rasulillah.]
Malam Sabtu, suasana di Islamic Center terang-benderang.
Terkumat-kamit penceramah berpidato di hadapan. Walaupun hanya berjarak satu meter dari hadirin yang cuma berjumlah kurang sepuluh orang, namun suaranya seakan tidak dapat kudengari. Bukan kerna tidak cukup lantang, tetapi sebab ia tidak terdengar oleh telinga hati. Masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri.
Kisah Muaz bin Amr yang meniti di bibir penceramah seolah-olah ditiup angin lalu, enggan menyentuh hati yang penuh lara.
Mata kasarku tampak jelas susuk penceramah, namun mata hatiku terhijab dengan seribu satu permasalahan dunia dan segala isinya.
Fikiranku melayang ke masalah penerobosan kesucian tanah muslim di Iraq, pembunuhan secara semborono muslim di Palestina, gerakan jihad yang tiada henti di Chechnya, keruntuhan akhlak remaja muslim yang meruncing di tanah air ku Malaysia, jiranku Indonesia .. senarai yang tiada kesudahan.
Akhirnya fikiranku kembali hinggap ke tempat studiku kini, West Lafayette. Bumi Amerika yang umat Islam seluruh dunia caci maki dan laknati saban hari.
Tiba-tiba hatiku syahdu, jiwaku menangis. Beginikah nasib umat Islam kini?
Bandar ini punyai lebih 500 muslim, tapi halaqah* mingguan di Islamic Center hadirinnya boleh dibilang dengan tangan cuma. Ramai insan yang namanya muslim namun acuan kehidupannya kekafiran dan kebaratan. Maksiat dilakukan tanpa segan silu.
Tiba waktu solat fardu, di hati masjid cuma dua baris makmum yang bisa dipenuhi. Barisan lainnya memang acapkali kosong tidak terisi, sepertimana lumrah kosongnya hati umat Islam tidak terisi dengan cahaya iman.
Aktiviti dakwah di kampus lesu di waktu summer. Di siang hari, mahasiswi non-muslim berpakaian seksi berjalan di sekitar kampus. Menggugat jalur keimanan. Di malam hari suasana kampus hening, kecuali di sekitar pub dan disko. Mengeluh panjang.
Ya Tuhan, beginikah nasib dunia? Beginikah nasib umat Islam? Usaha dakwah kami, halaqah mingguan di Islamic Center pun kurang 10 orang yang datang!
Aku berputus asa dengan kondisi umat. Aku tertunduk lesu.
Bibir mataku mula berembun.
Kring! Kring! Aku tersentak.
Kring! Kring! Telefon di Islamic Center berdering lagi. "Hello", ujarku.
"Hi there, my names Chris. I have some questions."
"Hi Chris, how are you? Yeah, go ahead."
"I'd like to convert to Islam. Would you teach me how to pray and how to read the Koran"?
Aku menahan sebak, "Sure Chris we'd love to do that, it'll be our pleasure."
Bagaimana boleh aku ragui sinaran cahayaMu? Air mataku turun laju, terasa kehangatannya di pipi. Hatiku kembali berbunga dengan pengharapan.
* halaqah = kuliah agama
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Give and Take For God's Sake
A Video Lecture by Imam Hamza Yusuf
For Malaysians who are in daze what American Muslims are standing for ..
:: Play Video ::
A Video Lecture by Imam Hamza Yusuf
For Malaysians who are in daze what American Muslims are standing for ..
:: Play Video ::
New Release!
Abu Bakr al Siddiq: His Life and Times
By Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki
Publisher: Al-Basheer Publications (2004)
Voice: Imam Anwar al-Awlaki
Media: Audio CD (15)
[Play Sample Track]
Product description:
This series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Abu Bakr (R.A.), including his life before Islam, during the life of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), and finally during his Khalifah.
Imam Awlaki brings to life stories from the golden era of Islam in a dynamic style and instills in the listeners a deep love for the Beloved of Allah (P.B.U.H.)
Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico, USA. His parents are from Yemen where he lived for eleven years and received the early part of his Islamic education. Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki has served as an Imam in Colorado, California, and Washington D.C. Currently he resides in Yemen.
Table of Contents:
His Family
Embracing Islam
The Early Deeds
Jihad with the Messenger of Allah
Life in Madinah
The Khalifah of the Messenger of Allah
Inaugural Address
Abu Bakr and the Community
The Governors
The Army of Usama
The War against the Apostates
The War against the Apostates (Continued)
The War against the Apostates (Continued)
The Compilation of the Qur'an
The Conquest of Iraq
The War Against the Romans
The War Against the Romans (Continued)
The Appointment of Umar
His Death
Some of his Virtues
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Mengapa sesetengah ulama' tidak berkahwin
Exemplars From The Scholars 2
( .. sambungan dari Exemplars of the Scholars 1 : Mengapa Sesetengah Ulama' Tidak Berkahwin)
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah wa as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelum ini, keputusan yang telah diambil oleh beberapa ulama' besar rahimahumullah untuk tidak berkahwin bukan lah atas dasar tidak mengikuti sunnah nabi saw. Ini adalah jauh sekali dari kebenaran dan 'blasphemy' yang teramat besar.
Tujuan mereka tidak lain hanyalah kerana mahu meng'devote'kan SELURUH kehidupan mereka untuk ibadah dan menuntut ilmu Allah swt seterusnya dengan illmu tersebut menjadi khazanah buat seluruh ummah. Semoga Allah membalas segala jerih payah mereka, wa Allahu haseeb.
Di dalam Ihya' Ulum ud-Deen karangan Imam al-Ghazali rahimahullah, terdapat 15 mukasurat yang secara khusus membincang kan samada patutkah scholars berkahwin atau tidak. Jadi isu ini bukanlah suatu isu yang baru bahkan scholars sejak dahulu lagi sedar tentang perlunya pengorbanan sebegini dari masa ke semasa bagi menyeimbangkan kestabilan dunia.
Di bawah adalah beberapa lagi scholars yang namanya termaktub dalam salah satu kitab berikut:
1. Tazkirah ul-Huffaz oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
2. Siyar A'laam un-Nubala' juga oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
3. A'laam ul-Muqi'een oleh Imam Ibnu Qayyim rahmatullahi 'alayh
4. At-Taareekh oleh Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi rahimahullah
Abdullah Ibn Abi Najih al-Makki rA
Beliau merupakan seorang tabi'een. Ketokohan beliau, kewaraan dan ketinggian ilmunya tidak dapat disangkal lagi apabila dilantik sebagai Mufti Makkah al-Mukarramah. Beliau juga merupakan seorang penghujjah hadeeth yang cemerlang dan disegani.
Sesuai dengan tajuk kita hari ini, beliau juga merupakan antara ulama' tersohor yang tidak berkahwin semasa kehidupannya.
Bishr al-Hafi rA
Ulama' dan sufi agung Bishr al-Hafi rA hidup sezaman dengan Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal rA (pengasas mazhab Hambali) dan di dalam buku seerah mengenai ulama' terdapat banyak kisah antara beliau dan Imam Ahmad.
Sakeenah dan haybah (aura) yang dipunyai oleh beliau amat luar biasa. Imam Ahmad sendiri mengatakan bahawa Bishr al-Hafi merupakan salah seorang gurunya, namun Imam Ahmad berkata bahawa beliau tidak pernah berbicara dengan Bishr al-Hafi. Dengan kata lain, kehadiran Bishr al-Hafi di sampingnya sudah memadai dan memuaskan hatinya.
Sepanjang kehidupannya, tidak seorang pun pernah mendengar beliau mengungkapkan kata kata ghibah (bercerita mengenai perihal orang lain walaupun perihal tersebut benar) dari mulutnya apatah lagi fitnah (menceritakan hal insan lain yang tidak tentu kebenarannya) dan lain lain.
Taraf wara' Bishr al-Hafi dan Imam Ahmad adalah satu taraf yang sukar untuk kita bayangkan. Bagi mereka, amalan yang kita anggap remeh, seperti meletakkan pena di kocek baju pun mereka elakkan kerana dikhuatiri membawa kepada riya' bilamana orang lain tahu bahawa mereka adalah students of knowledge.
Pernah diriwayatkan, satu hari adik perempuan kepada Bishr al-Hafi datang kepada Imam Ahmad untuk bertanyakan suatu fatwa atau hukum. Adik perempuan kepada Bishr al-Hafi bekerja sebagai tukang jahit. Disebabkan mereka tidak mempunyai lampu di rumah maka kegelapan pada waktu malam memaksanya untuk menjahit di bawah sinaran menara tentera pengawal yang menyuluh sekali sekala (seperti menara yang dekat tepi pantai tu ; lighthouse).
Bayangkan, soalan seperti ini pun ditanya! Mana mungkin kita sendiri akan bertanya soalan sebegini. Soalan ini serupa seperti kita bertanya, halal atau tidak jika kita bekerja di bawah lampu elektrik di depan rumah? Ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan melambangkan nilai wara' keluarga beliau yang teramat tinggi.
Imam Ahmad sendiri hairan dengan persoalan wanita ini (wujudkah orang orang sebegini?). Memang secara am tak perlu dirisaukan soalan sebegini dan tentu sekali dibolehkan untuk bekerja di bawah suluhan menara tersebut.
Lalu Imam Ahmad bertanya siapakah wanita tersebut. Apabila wanita tersbeut mengatakan bahawa dia merupakan adik kepada Bishr al-Hafi barulah Imam Ahmad faham. Maka lantas dia katakan haram untuk perempuan tersebut bekerja di bawah suluhan menara. Fatwa ini khas bagi adik perempuan Bishr al-Hafi bagi menjaga nilai wara' nya.
Bishr al-Hafi meninggal sewaktu umurnya 87 tahun dengan tidak berkahwin.
(bersambung ..)
Exemplars From The Scholars 2
( .. sambungan dari Exemplars of the Scholars 1 : Mengapa Sesetengah Ulama' Tidak Berkahwin)
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah wa as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelum ini, keputusan yang telah diambil oleh beberapa ulama' besar rahimahumullah untuk tidak berkahwin bukan lah atas dasar tidak mengikuti sunnah nabi saw. Ini adalah jauh sekali dari kebenaran dan 'blasphemy' yang teramat besar.
Tujuan mereka tidak lain hanyalah kerana mahu meng'devote'kan SELURUH kehidupan mereka untuk ibadah dan menuntut ilmu Allah swt seterusnya dengan illmu tersebut menjadi khazanah buat seluruh ummah. Semoga Allah membalas segala jerih payah mereka, wa Allahu haseeb.
Di dalam Ihya' Ulum ud-Deen karangan Imam al-Ghazali rahimahullah, terdapat 15 mukasurat yang secara khusus membincang kan samada patutkah scholars berkahwin atau tidak. Jadi isu ini bukanlah suatu isu yang baru bahkan scholars sejak dahulu lagi sedar tentang perlunya pengorbanan sebegini dari masa ke semasa bagi menyeimbangkan kestabilan dunia.
Di bawah adalah beberapa lagi scholars yang namanya termaktub dalam salah satu kitab berikut:
1. Tazkirah ul-Huffaz oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
2. Siyar A'laam un-Nubala' juga oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
3. A'laam ul-Muqi'een oleh Imam Ibnu Qayyim rahmatullahi 'alayh
4. At-Taareekh oleh Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi rahimahullah
Abdullah Ibn Abi Najih al-Makki rA
Beliau merupakan seorang tabi'een. Ketokohan beliau, kewaraan dan ketinggian ilmunya tidak dapat disangkal lagi apabila dilantik sebagai Mufti Makkah al-Mukarramah. Beliau juga merupakan seorang penghujjah hadeeth yang cemerlang dan disegani.
Sesuai dengan tajuk kita hari ini, beliau juga merupakan antara ulama' tersohor yang tidak berkahwin semasa kehidupannya.
Bishr al-Hafi rA
Ulama' dan sufi agung Bishr al-Hafi rA hidup sezaman dengan Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal rA (pengasas mazhab Hambali) dan di dalam buku seerah mengenai ulama' terdapat banyak kisah antara beliau dan Imam Ahmad.
Sakeenah dan haybah (aura) yang dipunyai oleh beliau amat luar biasa. Imam Ahmad sendiri mengatakan bahawa Bishr al-Hafi merupakan salah seorang gurunya, namun Imam Ahmad berkata bahawa beliau tidak pernah berbicara dengan Bishr al-Hafi. Dengan kata lain, kehadiran Bishr al-Hafi di sampingnya sudah memadai dan memuaskan hatinya.
Sepanjang kehidupannya, tidak seorang pun pernah mendengar beliau mengungkapkan kata kata ghibah (bercerita mengenai perihal orang lain walaupun perihal tersebut benar) dari mulutnya apatah lagi fitnah (menceritakan hal insan lain yang tidak tentu kebenarannya) dan lain lain.
Taraf wara' Bishr al-Hafi dan Imam Ahmad adalah satu taraf yang sukar untuk kita bayangkan. Bagi mereka, amalan yang kita anggap remeh, seperti meletakkan pena di kocek baju pun mereka elakkan kerana dikhuatiri membawa kepada riya' bilamana orang lain tahu bahawa mereka adalah students of knowledge.
Pernah diriwayatkan, satu hari adik perempuan kepada Bishr al-Hafi datang kepada Imam Ahmad untuk bertanyakan suatu fatwa atau hukum. Adik perempuan kepada Bishr al-Hafi bekerja sebagai tukang jahit. Disebabkan mereka tidak mempunyai lampu di rumah maka kegelapan pada waktu malam memaksanya untuk menjahit di bawah sinaran menara tentera pengawal yang menyuluh sekali sekala (seperti menara yang dekat tepi pantai tu ; lighthouse).
Bayangkan, soalan seperti ini pun ditanya! Mana mungkin kita sendiri akan bertanya soalan sebegini. Soalan ini serupa seperti kita bertanya, halal atau tidak jika kita bekerja di bawah lampu elektrik di depan rumah? Ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan melambangkan nilai wara' keluarga beliau yang teramat tinggi.
Imam Ahmad sendiri hairan dengan persoalan wanita ini (wujudkah orang orang sebegini?). Memang secara am tak perlu dirisaukan soalan sebegini dan tentu sekali dibolehkan untuk bekerja di bawah suluhan menara tersebut.
Lalu Imam Ahmad bertanya siapakah wanita tersebut. Apabila wanita tersbeut mengatakan bahawa dia merupakan adik kepada Bishr al-Hafi barulah Imam Ahmad faham. Maka lantas dia katakan haram untuk perempuan tersebut bekerja di bawah suluhan menara. Fatwa ini khas bagi adik perempuan Bishr al-Hafi bagi menjaga nilai wara' nya.
Bishr al-Hafi meninggal sewaktu umurnya 87 tahun dengan tidak berkahwin.
(bersambung ..)
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Saudi Victims Had Military Link
3 Americans Kidnapped or Killed Were Singled Out as Contractors, Officials Say
By Craig Whitlock and Renae Merle
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, June 14, 2004; Page A12
LONDON, June 13 -- The three Americans killed or kidnapped by Islamic radicals in Saudi Arabia in the past week were likely selected as targets many days or weeks in advance and singled out because of their work as military contractors, U.S. and Saudi officials said Sunday.
Authorities continued to search for the kidnapped American, Paul M. Johnson Jr., 55, an employee of Bethesda-based Lockheed Martin Corp., whose family reported Saturday that he had vanished in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.
A group calling itself Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula issued a statement Saturday saying it had captured Johnson and would treat him in the same way that U.S. troops treated Iraqi detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad and the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba.
Although Johnson was employed by Lockheed Martin, the telephone number on his business card indicated that he worked at the Riyadh headquarters of Advanced Electronics Co., a Saudi technology firm that manages a number of defense contracts for the Saudi government.
Advanced Electronics was the employer of Kenneth Scroggs, another American, who was gunned down by three assailants as he pulled into the garage of his Riyadh home Saturday afternoon, Saudi officials said.
A third American was fatally shot in his Riyadh home on Tuesday after leaving the Riyadh office of Vinnell Corp., a Fairfax-based subsidiary of Northrop Grumman Inc. Robert Jacobs, 62, worked for Vinnell on a project to train the Saudi National Guard. Seven Vinnell personnel were killed in May 2003 in a suicide bombing of a residential compound for Westerners in Riyadh.
On Sunday, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh warned Americans in the kingdom to pay close attention to their surroundings and to avoid predictable workday routines that could make them easy targets. The embassy statement said last week's attacks on Americans "appear to have involved extensive planning and preparation and were likely preceded by extensive pre-attack surveillance."
In its statement Saturday, the al Qaeda-affiliated group said Johnson was one of four experts in Saudi Arabia on the Apache attack helicopters used by the U.S. military elsewhere in the Middle East. The statement indicated that Scroggs also advised the Saudi government on the use of Apaches.
Advanced Electronics, located in an industrial park near King Khalid International Airport outside Riyadh, was awarded a five-year, $10 million U.S. Army contract in 1999 for repair work on Apache systems. The program was scheduled to expire in March, according to a contract announcement issued at the time.
It was unclear whether Scroggs had been involved in Apache work.
Executives at the firm declined to be interviewed Sunday, but released a statement confirming that a U.S. employee had been killed "at the door of his house" in Riyadh on Saturday. The firm did not identify Scroggs by name, but called him "a very serious and sincere employee of the company for over 12 years."
In a statement to its own employees, Lockheed Martin said that Johnson had worked in Saudi Arabia on the Apache program, specializing in a targeting system known as Target Acquisition and Designation Sites/Pilot Night Vision System. Known as the "eyes of the Apache," it enables the helicopter's pilots to fly at low altitudes in the dark and in bad weather.
Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon's largest contractor, began evacuating its employees' dependents from Saudi Arabia in mid-April after the State Department issued a strongly worded warning urging Americans to leave the country.
The company declined to disclose how many of its employees were stationed in Saudi Arabia or what security measures were being provided to them. "As courageous and brave as they are, they go over there as volunteers," said Tom Jurkowsky, a Lockheed spokesman. "Security is paramount, we're aware of the warnings, the intelligence provided by the embassy. We take necessary precautions."
Lockheed also declined to comment on its work in the kingdom, citing security concerns. Lockheed manages international aircraft depots in Saudi Arabia, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Advanced Electronics has a contract with Lockheed to provide electronics for the F-16 fighter jet, according to Advanced Electronics' Web site.
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said he was satisfied with the Saudi government's efforts to investigate the recent attacks and to prevent future bloodshed. "The Saudis know that this is an enemy that is coming after them," he said on "Fox News Sunday." "The killing of foreigners, whether they're Americans or Brits, or what are they, is a direct attack against the Saudi regime."
Mohsen Awajy, a Saudi lawyer and former Islamic radical who now advises the government on dealing with militants, said al Qaeda cells were targeting individual Westerners involved with the military in a bid to regain popular sympathy in Saudi Arabia. He said many Saudis were appalled by recent al Qaeda bombings that resulted in the deaths of Muslims and of expatriates who were seen as important cogs in the country's economy.
"The militants are trying to show some justification for what they're doing," he said. "They are also trying to choose the easiest targets because they are finding it harder and harder to do anything on a bigger scale."
The recent attacks are evidence that for contractors, "the risks are much higher than people anticipated," said Peter Singer, foreign policy fellow at the Brookings Institution. "Basically, if companies are going to keep people in Saudi, they are going to have to provide better security guarantees. The pay is going to have to reflect the higher danger."
On Sunday, Lockheed's main Web page was dedicated to the kidnapping. "Our thoughts and prayers are with Paul M. Johnson, Jr. and his family," the Web site said.
Whitlock reported from London, Merle from Washington.
© 2004 The Washington Post Company
3 Americans Kidnapped or Killed Were Singled Out as Contractors, Officials Say
By Craig Whitlock and Renae Merle
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, June 14, 2004; Page A12
LONDON, June 13 -- The three Americans killed or kidnapped by Islamic radicals in Saudi Arabia in the past week were likely selected as targets many days or weeks in advance and singled out because of their work as military contractors, U.S. and Saudi officials said Sunday.
Authorities continued to search for the kidnapped American, Paul M. Johnson Jr., 55, an employee of Bethesda-based Lockheed Martin Corp., whose family reported Saturday that he had vanished in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.
A group calling itself Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula issued a statement Saturday saying it had captured Johnson and would treat him in the same way that U.S. troops treated Iraqi detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad and the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba.
Although Johnson was employed by Lockheed Martin, the telephone number on his business card indicated that he worked at the Riyadh headquarters of Advanced Electronics Co., a Saudi technology firm that manages a number of defense contracts for the Saudi government.
Advanced Electronics was the employer of Kenneth Scroggs, another American, who was gunned down by three assailants as he pulled into the garage of his Riyadh home Saturday afternoon, Saudi officials said.
A third American was fatally shot in his Riyadh home on Tuesday after leaving the Riyadh office of Vinnell Corp., a Fairfax-based subsidiary of Northrop Grumman Inc. Robert Jacobs, 62, worked for Vinnell on a project to train the Saudi National Guard. Seven Vinnell personnel were killed in May 2003 in a suicide bombing of a residential compound for Westerners in Riyadh.
On Sunday, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh warned Americans in the kingdom to pay close attention to their surroundings and to avoid predictable workday routines that could make them easy targets. The embassy statement said last week's attacks on Americans "appear to have involved extensive planning and preparation and were likely preceded by extensive pre-attack surveillance."
In its statement Saturday, the al Qaeda-affiliated group said Johnson was one of four experts in Saudi Arabia on the Apache attack helicopters used by the U.S. military elsewhere in the Middle East. The statement indicated that Scroggs also advised the Saudi government on the use of Apaches.
Advanced Electronics, located in an industrial park near King Khalid International Airport outside Riyadh, was awarded a five-year, $10 million U.S. Army contract in 1999 for repair work on Apache systems. The program was scheduled to expire in March, according to a contract announcement issued at the time.
It was unclear whether Scroggs had been involved in Apache work.
Executives at the firm declined to be interviewed Sunday, but released a statement confirming that a U.S. employee had been killed "at the door of his house" in Riyadh on Saturday. The firm did not identify Scroggs by name, but called him "a very serious and sincere employee of the company for over 12 years."
In a statement to its own employees, Lockheed Martin said that Johnson had worked in Saudi Arabia on the Apache program, specializing in a targeting system known as Target Acquisition and Designation Sites/Pilot Night Vision System. Known as the "eyes of the Apache," it enables the helicopter's pilots to fly at low altitudes in the dark and in bad weather.
Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon's largest contractor, began evacuating its employees' dependents from Saudi Arabia in mid-April after the State Department issued a strongly worded warning urging Americans to leave the country.
The company declined to disclose how many of its employees were stationed in Saudi Arabia or what security measures were being provided to them. "As courageous and brave as they are, they go over there as volunteers," said Tom Jurkowsky, a Lockheed spokesman. "Security is paramount, we're aware of the warnings, the intelligence provided by the embassy. We take necessary precautions."
Lockheed also declined to comment on its work in the kingdom, citing security concerns. Lockheed manages international aircraft depots in Saudi Arabia, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Advanced Electronics has a contract with Lockheed to provide electronics for the F-16 fighter jet, according to Advanced Electronics' Web site.
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said he was satisfied with the Saudi government's efforts to investigate the recent attacks and to prevent future bloodshed. "The Saudis know that this is an enemy that is coming after them," he said on "Fox News Sunday." "The killing of foreigners, whether they're Americans or Brits, or what are they, is a direct attack against the Saudi regime."
Mohsen Awajy, a Saudi lawyer and former Islamic radical who now advises the government on dealing with militants, said al Qaeda cells were targeting individual Westerners involved with the military in a bid to regain popular sympathy in Saudi Arabia. He said many Saudis were appalled by recent al Qaeda bombings that resulted in the deaths of Muslims and of expatriates who were seen as important cogs in the country's economy.
"The militants are trying to show some justification for what they're doing," he said. "They are also trying to choose the easiest targets because they are finding it harder and harder to do anything on a bigger scale."
The recent attacks are evidence that for contractors, "the risks are much higher than people anticipated," said Peter Singer, foreign policy fellow at the Brookings Institution. "Basically, if companies are going to keep people in Saudi, they are going to have to provide better security guarantees. The pay is going to have to reflect the higher danger."
On Sunday, Lockheed's main Web page was dedicated to the kidnapping. "Our thoughts and prayers are with Paul M. Johnson, Jr. and his family," the Web site said.
Whitlock reported from London, Merle from Washington.
© 2004 The Washington Post Company
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Pengejaran Yang Tidak Kesampaian
Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah wa as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Teka teki:
Orang yang lakukan amalan apa yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni?
Terutamanya musim cuti begini, mungkin ramai yang sangkakan bahawa masa banyak terbuang dengan benda benda yang tidak berfaedah, contohnya bermain komputer/video game, marathon kartun anime, termenung tanpa sebab, tidur yang berpanjangan, berbual/chatting perkara yang lagho etc.
Aktiviti aktiviti di atas ini tidaklah 100% useless kalau kita niatkan kerana Allah .. (and you start to think, macam mana nak niatkan aktiviti aktiviti tu kerna Allah? .. Exactly!! .. Because that logic doesn't work, you yourself is answering that these activities are indeed useless .. period!) *smile*
Now, adakah itu jawapan bagi teka teki, "Orang yang lakukan amalan apa yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni?".
Surprisingly, NO.
Perlukan hint? Okay, hint dia .. ironinya orang orang yang lakukan amalan yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni tidak sedar yang sebenarnya mereka sedang habiskan masa dengan sia sia.
Berlainan seperti mereka yang terjatuh dalam aktiviti yang disebutkan di atas; bermain video/komputer game etc - mereka ini sedar bahawa mereka ini dalam kerugian, namun tewas pada pujuk rayu hasutan syahwah dan nafsu lalu terus lemas dalam lautan kesia-siaan.
Ini nak diberitahu, orang yang paling rugi dalam dunia ini lebih parah keadaan mereka daripada itu, kerana mereka ini berada dalam keadaan delusional state. Mereka sangkakan bahawa mereka akan meraih keuntungan, namun sebenarnya ia hanyalah suatu mimpi yang langsung tidak akan kesampaian.
[Hakikatnya, bertanya soalan "Orang yang lakukan amalan apa yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni?" adalah sebenarnya satu sunnah yang Allah swt sendiri menyuruh kita bertanya kepada orang ramai.]
Jawapan bagi teka teki:
Allah swt, Yang Mengetahui Segala yang Nyata dan Tersembunyi - menjawab teka teki ini dalam firmannya:
"Say: "Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?
Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?
They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight.
That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest." (18:103-106)
Ini lah the ultimate truth. And Allah speaks the truth and to Him belongs the ultimate truth.
Terkadang terdengar suara syaitani yang berbisik, "eh .. takkanla sampai terus sia sia amalan mereka? mestilah ada jugak nilai dia kan?"
Perhatikan bahawa Allah swt berfirman, "Nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight". Weight atau dalam al-Qur'an disebutkan wazna, atau berat.
Bagi sesiapa yang pernah mempelajari physics pasti tahu bahawa:
weight = mass x gravitational force
berat = jisim x tarikan graviti
Maka beratnya sesuatu amalan itu kesemuanya bergantung kepada sejauh mana 'grave' nya, atau graviti nya Allah swt memandang amalan tersebut.
Jika kita singgah ke antara definisi lain yang paling simple bagi 'gravity' adalah:
1. Grave consequence; seriousness or importance: They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.
2. Solemnity or dignity of manner.
Maka jika Allah swt letakkan gravitinya (definisi seperti di atas) kosong maka kosong lah ia. Dan apa nilai yang didarabkan dengan kosong, maka kosong juga lah jumlahnya.
Jika Allah letakkan graviti nya 700 maka 700 lah ia. Dan tentu sekali apabila didarabkan maka berlipat gandalah ganjarannya (atau dosanya).
An-Naasu niyaam iza maata intabahu
"They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter)"
Jangan sekali kali menyangka bahawa ayat ini hanya ditujukan kepada orang kafir, dan hanya memandang ayat ini sebelah mata dengan tanpa emosi (have emotions remember?).
Kerana orang yang melihat dengan sebelah mata (monocular) tidak akan dapat menilai kedalaman dengan nilainya yang sebenar. Hanya manusia yang terbuka kedua belah 'mata'nya (binocular) mampu untuk menilai kedalaman.
Berapa ramai sebenarnya dari kita yang buta, tertutup (kufur) matanya dari melihat aayaat and signs of Allah? Berapa kerapkah mata (hati) kita hakikatnya kabur, diselaputi ghaflah dengan tidak teringat bahawa kita akan berhadapan dengan Allah bila bila masa?
"But the Unbelievers,- their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing: But he finds Allah (ever) with him, and Allah will pay him his account: and Allah is swift in taking account.
Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!" (24:39-40)
Ya Arhama Ar-Rahimeen, irhamnee ya Allah. Allahumma a'inna 'ala zikrika wa shukrika wa husni 'ibadatik.
Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah wa as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Teka teki:
Orang yang lakukan amalan apa yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni?
Terutamanya musim cuti begini, mungkin ramai yang sangkakan bahawa masa banyak terbuang dengan benda benda yang tidak berfaedah, contohnya bermain komputer/video game, marathon kartun anime, termenung tanpa sebab, tidur yang berpanjangan, berbual/chatting perkara yang lagho etc.
Aktiviti aktiviti di atas ini tidaklah 100% useless kalau kita niatkan kerana Allah .. (and you start to think, macam mana nak niatkan aktiviti aktiviti tu kerna Allah? .. Exactly!! .. Because that logic doesn't work, you yourself is answering that these activities are indeed useless .. period!) *smile*
Now, adakah itu jawapan bagi teka teki, "Orang yang lakukan amalan apa yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni?".
Surprisingly, NO.
Perlukan hint? Okay, hint dia .. ironinya orang orang yang lakukan amalan yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni tidak sedar yang sebenarnya mereka sedang habiskan masa dengan sia sia.
Berlainan seperti mereka yang terjatuh dalam aktiviti yang disebutkan di atas; bermain video/komputer game etc - mereka ini sedar bahawa mereka ini dalam kerugian, namun tewas pada pujuk rayu hasutan syahwah dan nafsu lalu terus lemas dalam lautan kesia-siaan.
Ini nak diberitahu, orang yang paling rugi dalam dunia ini lebih parah keadaan mereka daripada itu, kerana mereka ini berada dalam keadaan delusional state. Mereka sangkakan bahawa mereka akan meraih keuntungan, namun sebenarnya ia hanyalah suatu mimpi yang langsung tidak akan kesampaian.
[Hakikatnya, bertanya soalan "Orang yang lakukan amalan apa yang paling rugi dalam dunia ni?" adalah sebenarnya satu sunnah yang Allah swt sendiri menyuruh kita bertanya kepada orang ramai.]
Jawapan bagi teka teki:
Allah swt, Yang Mengetahui Segala yang Nyata dan Tersembunyi - menjawab teka teki ini dalam firmannya:
"Say: "Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?
Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?
They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight.
That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest." (18:103-106)
Ini lah the ultimate truth. And Allah speaks the truth and to Him belongs the ultimate truth.
Terkadang terdengar suara syaitani yang berbisik, "eh .. takkanla sampai terus sia sia amalan mereka? mestilah ada jugak nilai dia kan?"
Perhatikan bahawa Allah swt berfirman, "Nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight". Weight atau dalam al-Qur'an disebutkan wazna, atau berat.
Bagi sesiapa yang pernah mempelajari physics pasti tahu bahawa:
weight = mass x gravitational force
berat = jisim x tarikan graviti
Maka beratnya sesuatu amalan itu kesemuanya bergantung kepada sejauh mana 'grave' nya, atau graviti nya Allah swt memandang amalan tersebut.
Jika kita singgah ke antara definisi lain yang paling simple bagi 'gravity' adalah:
1. Grave consequence; seriousness or importance: They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.
2. Solemnity or dignity of manner.
Maka jika Allah swt letakkan gravitinya (definisi seperti di atas) kosong maka kosong lah ia. Dan apa nilai yang didarabkan dengan kosong, maka kosong juga lah jumlahnya.
Jika Allah letakkan graviti nya 700 maka 700 lah ia. Dan tentu sekali apabila didarabkan maka berlipat gandalah ganjarannya (atau dosanya).
An-Naasu niyaam iza maata intabahu
"They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter)"
Jangan sekali kali menyangka bahawa ayat ini hanya ditujukan kepada orang kafir, dan hanya memandang ayat ini sebelah mata dengan tanpa emosi (have emotions remember?).
Kerana orang yang melihat dengan sebelah mata (monocular) tidak akan dapat menilai kedalaman dengan nilainya yang sebenar. Hanya manusia yang terbuka kedua belah 'mata'nya (binocular) mampu untuk menilai kedalaman.
Berapa ramai sebenarnya dari kita yang buta, tertutup (kufur) matanya dari melihat aayaat and signs of Allah? Berapa kerapkah mata (hati) kita hakikatnya kabur, diselaputi ghaflah dengan tidak teringat bahawa kita akan berhadapan dengan Allah bila bila masa?
"But the Unbelievers,- their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing: But he finds Allah (ever) with him, and Allah will pay him his account: and Allah is swift in taking account.
Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!" (24:39-40)
Ya Arhama Ar-Rahimeen, irhamnee ya Allah. Allahumma a'inna 'ala zikrika wa shukrika wa husni 'ibadatik.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Mengapa sesetengah ulama' tidak berkahwin
Exemplars From the Scholars 1
A Lecture by Shaykh Tawfeq
Masjid Al-Fajr, Indianapolis
June 5th, 2004
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah wa as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Antara sedar atau tidak, tahukah kita bahawa terdapat sesetengah ulama'/scholars dalam realitinya, memilih untuk tidak berkahwin. Dan mereka ini tidak berkahwin seumur hidup mereka.
Adakah ini bermakna mereka ini tidak mengikuti sunnah nabi saw? Ataupun scholars ini hanyalah scholars scholars yang 'kecil' dan tidak terkenal?
Jauh sekali tidak!
Bahkan scholars yang memilih untuk tidak berkahwin ramai dan mereka cukup dikenali oleh ummat Islam dengan kawarakan dan ketinggian ilmu mereka. Antara mereka termasuk Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah dan Imam An-Nawawi rahimahumullah.
Tujuan di sebalik keputusan mereka untuk tidak berkahwin adalah al-eethaar atau al-aathaar, iaitu kerana menitikberatkan kepentingan orang lain (ummah) dari kepentingan diri sendiri. Jika ada skala pemberat antara berkahwin atau menuntut ilmu, nescaya skala kedahagaan menuntut ilmu jauh melebihi skala keinginan untuk berkahwin.
Scholars scholars ini mendevotekan SELURUH kehidupan mereka untuk Allah. Hidup mereka 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu dihabiskan untuk menuntut ilmu, ibadah dan ummah serta tidak meninggalkan sisa sesaat pun untuk diri mereka sendiri.
Dunia memerlukan scholars yang sebegini bagi menyeimbangkan dunia. Mungkin disebabkan scholars sebegini maka diri kita yang dipenuhi kekotoran dan kezaliman ini masih Allah benarkan untuk hidup di muka bumi ini.
Ini natijah dari mereka memilih maslahah 'ammah (kebaikan umum; contohnya benefit for the community), lebih lagi dari maslahah khassah (kebaikan khusus; contohnya benefit untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga).
Di dalam satu hadith, rasulullah saw pernah mengatakan mengenai anak anak, Hasan dan Husin, cucu kesayangan baginda saw dengan katanya yang lebih kurang membawa maksud: Sesungguhnya kamu ini membawa kepada kebakhilan, membawa kepada sikap pengecut, dan membawa kepada kejahilan, dan kamu adalah wangian dari wangian syurga.
Umar ra dalam kata kata yang famous mengatakan: "Tafaqqahuu qabla an tusawwaduu" yang secara literalnya membawa maksud: menjadi faqih lah kamu sebelum kamu mengambil tanggungjawab. Antara kata asal bagi tasawwadu adalah sayyid iaitu menjadi pemimpin. Mengikut Lisan ul-Arab, At-tasawwadu hua an tazawwaju, iaitu at-tasawwadu membawa maksud perkahwinan.
Dengan kata lain, jika kamu ingin menjadi faqih maka lakukanlah sebelum memperolehi anak. Kerana tatkala mulanya mempunyai anak maka seribu satu permasalahan dan halangan akan mula timbul. Spertimana Sufyan At-Thawri rahimahullah pernah mengatakan: Permulaan adanya anak adalah seperti kita melayari bahtera di lautan.
Nama nama scholars yang bakal disebutkan di bawah, untuk rujukan lanjut boleh didapati kisah dan biografi mereka di sekurang kurang nya salah satu buku berikut:
1. Tazkirah ul-Huffaz oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
2. Siyar A'laam un-Nubala' juga oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
3. A'laam ul-Muqi'een oleh Imam Ibnu Qayyim rahmatullahi 'alayh
4. At-Taareekh oleh Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi rahimahullah
Di bawah adalah antara ulama' yang tidak berkahwin seumur hidup mereka:
Imam Ibnu Zaid An-Nisaiburi rA
Peribadi ulama' ini merupakan ensiklopedia berjalan pada zamannya. Tidak keterlaluan untuk zaman moden ini dikatakan setaraf dengan enjin pencarian google di zaman ini. Menghabiskan hampir seluruh hidupnya dengan menuntut ilmu, dan selepas 40 atau 50 tahun baru beliau mengendalikan halaqah atau kelas ilmunya yang pertama.
Antara keperibadiannya yang begitu menonjol adalah selama 40 tahun dalam kembaranya mencari ilmu Allah swt, beliau tidak pernah tidur malam. Dan menjadi lumrah baginya, makanan hariannya hanyalah 4 biji badam sehari. Bukan itu sahaja, bahkan seringkali dalam masa 40 tahun ini, beliau akan menggunakan tidak lebih dari satu wudhu' dari fajar/subuh sehingga ke isha'.
Dan yang menjadikan ia lebih menarik, kesemua aktivti di atas hanya dapat beliau amalkan sebelum berkahwin.
Ma'mar Ibn Rashid Al-Basri rA
Antara sifatnya yang terkenal adalah beliau tidak pernah berhenti mengembara dalam mencari ilmu Allah swt. Dari satu tempat ke satu tempat ia jelajahi tanpa henti, bertahun tahun lamanya ini menjadi kegiatan beliau.
Suatu hari, bermeseyuaratlah rakyat di sebuah bandar yang bakal dilalui oleh Ibn Rashid, bagaimana mahu menghentikan Ibn Rashid rA dari mengembara, agar dengannya dapat mereka memakan buah ilmu yang dipunyai oleh beliau.
Setelah nekad, mereka mengambil langkah untuk mengahwinkan beliau .. maka terhentilah pengembaraan beliau yang bertahun lamanya di bandar tersebut.
Exemplars From the Scholars 1
A Lecture by Shaykh Tawfeq
Masjid Al-Fajr, Indianapolis
June 5th, 2004
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah wa as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Antara sedar atau tidak, tahukah kita bahawa terdapat sesetengah ulama'/scholars dalam realitinya, memilih untuk tidak berkahwin. Dan mereka ini tidak berkahwin seumur hidup mereka.
Adakah ini bermakna mereka ini tidak mengikuti sunnah nabi saw? Ataupun scholars ini hanyalah scholars scholars yang 'kecil' dan tidak terkenal?
Jauh sekali tidak!
Bahkan scholars yang memilih untuk tidak berkahwin ramai dan mereka cukup dikenali oleh ummat Islam dengan kawarakan dan ketinggian ilmu mereka. Antara mereka termasuk Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah dan Imam An-Nawawi rahimahumullah.
Tujuan di sebalik keputusan mereka untuk tidak berkahwin adalah al-eethaar atau al-aathaar, iaitu kerana menitikberatkan kepentingan orang lain (ummah) dari kepentingan diri sendiri. Jika ada skala pemberat antara berkahwin atau menuntut ilmu, nescaya skala kedahagaan menuntut ilmu jauh melebihi skala keinginan untuk berkahwin.
Scholars scholars ini mendevotekan SELURUH kehidupan mereka untuk Allah. Hidup mereka 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu dihabiskan untuk menuntut ilmu, ibadah dan ummah serta tidak meninggalkan sisa sesaat pun untuk diri mereka sendiri.
Dunia memerlukan scholars yang sebegini bagi menyeimbangkan dunia. Mungkin disebabkan scholars sebegini maka diri kita yang dipenuhi kekotoran dan kezaliman ini masih Allah benarkan untuk hidup di muka bumi ini.
Ini natijah dari mereka memilih maslahah 'ammah (kebaikan umum; contohnya benefit for the community), lebih lagi dari maslahah khassah (kebaikan khusus; contohnya benefit untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga).
Di dalam satu hadith, rasulullah saw pernah mengatakan mengenai anak anak, Hasan dan Husin, cucu kesayangan baginda saw dengan katanya yang lebih kurang membawa maksud: Sesungguhnya kamu ini membawa kepada kebakhilan, membawa kepada sikap pengecut, dan membawa kepada kejahilan, dan kamu adalah wangian dari wangian syurga.
Umar ra dalam kata kata yang famous mengatakan: "Tafaqqahuu qabla an tusawwaduu" yang secara literalnya membawa maksud: menjadi faqih lah kamu sebelum kamu mengambil tanggungjawab. Antara kata asal bagi tasawwadu adalah sayyid iaitu menjadi pemimpin. Mengikut Lisan ul-Arab, At-tasawwadu hua an tazawwaju, iaitu at-tasawwadu membawa maksud perkahwinan.
Dengan kata lain, jika kamu ingin menjadi faqih maka lakukanlah sebelum memperolehi anak. Kerana tatkala mulanya mempunyai anak maka seribu satu permasalahan dan halangan akan mula timbul. Spertimana Sufyan At-Thawri rahimahullah pernah mengatakan: Permulaan adanya anak adalah seperti kita melayari bahtera di lautan.
Nama nama scholars yang bakal disebutkan di bawah, untuk rujukan lanjut boleh didapati kisah dan biografi mereka di sekurang kurang nya salah satu buku berikut:
1. Tazkirah ul-Huffaz oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
2. Siyar A'laam un-Nubala' juga oleh Imam Az-Zahabi rahimahullah
3. A'laam ul-Muqi'een oleh Imam Ibnu Qayyim rahmatullahi 'alayh
4. At-Taareekh oleh Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi rahimahullah
Di bawah adalah antara ulama' yang tidak berkahwin seumur hidup mereka:
Imam Ibnu Zaid An-Nisaiburi rA
Peribadi ulama' ini merupakan ensiklopedia berjalan pada zamannya. Tidak keterlaluan untuk zaman moden ini dikatakan setaraf dengan enjin pencarian google di zaman ini. Menghabiskan hampir seluruh hidupnya dengan menuntut ilmu, dan selepas 40 atau 50 tahun baru beliau mengendalikan halaqah atau kelas ilmunya yang pertama.
Antara keperibadiannya yang begitu menonjol adalah selama 40 tahun dalam kembaranya mencari ilmu Allah swt, beliau tidak pernah tidur malam. Dan menjadi lumrah baginya, makanan hariannya hanyalah 4 biji badam sehari. Bukan itu sahaja, bahkan seringkali dalam masa 40 tahun ini, beliau akan menggunakan tidak lebih dari satu wudhu' dari fajar/subuh sehingga ke isha'.
Dan yang menjadikan ia lebih menarik, kesemua aktivti di atas hanya dapat beliau amalkan sebelum berkahwin.
Ma'mar Ibn Rashid Al-Basri rA
Antara sifatnya yang terkenal adalah beliau tidak pernah berhenti mengembara dalam mencari ilmu Allah swt. Dari satu tempat ke satu tempat ia jelajahi tanpa henti, bertahun tahun lamanya ini menjadi kegiatan beliau.
Suatu hari, bermeseyuaratlah rakyat di sebuah bandar yang bakal dilalui oleh Ibn Rashid, bagaimana mahu menghentikan Ibn Rashid rA dari mengembara, agar dengannya dapat mereka memakan buah ilmu yang dipunyai oleh beliau.
Setelah nekad, mereka mengambil langkah untuk mengahwinkan beliau .. maka terhentilah pengembaraan beliau yang bertahun lamanya di bandar tersebut.
Monday, June 07, 2004
Anjing 1
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah was as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Kisah pemuda Ashabul Kahfi (sahabat sahabat gua) yang hidup di zaman 350 AD cukup terkenal dan tersemat di sanubari pemuda pemudi Islam. Pelbagai pengajaran yang boleh digarap dari kisah mereka.
Salah satu pengajaran yang menarik, dapat diteliti semasa Allah swt berfirman:
"(Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth,- doubtfully guessing at the unknown; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say thou: "My Lord knoweth best their number; It is but few that know their (real case)." Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about (the affair of) the Sleepers." (18:22)
Seseorang yang benar benar mentadabburi ayat di atas tentu tidak dapat menyembunyikan rasa kehairanan yang teramat apabila memerhatikan bahawa Allah swt menyebut frasa "dan anjing mereka" sehingga 3 kali.
Cuba kita perhatikan semula:
- Dan sesetengah mereka katakan bahawa mereka bertiga, dan yang keempat anjing mereka.
- Dan sesetengah mereka katakan bahawa mereka berlima, dan yang keenam anjing mereka.
- Dan sesetengah mereka katakan bahawa mereka bertujuh, dan yang kelapan anjing mereka.
Sebab apa perlu juga disebutkan "dan anjing mereka"? Sedangkan umum tahu bahawa pada kebiasaannya seekor anjing tidak membawa signifikasi dan tidak bernilai untuk dicatatkan.
Namun anjing ini mendapat penghargaan yang tidak ternilai apabila kewujudannya termaktub di dalam kalam Allah yang dimuliakan. Kata kata Allah yang darinya manusia disuruh mengambil pengajaran dan dijadikan sebagai panduan.
Dan tentunya Allah swt tidak membuat sesuatu dengan sia sia.
Bagaimana dan kenapa anjing ini begitu dimuliakan? Adakah kerena ia telah menggigit dan melawan penjahat? Tidak. Adakah kerana ia menyalak dan menjaga mereka dari bahaya? Juga tidak. Jadi apakah hikmah di sebaliknya?
Sesetengah ulama' rahimahullah menyatakan bahawa hikmah yang boleh diperolehi di sini ialah anjing tersebut mendapat tashreef dan dimuliakan di sisi Allah swt, sebab utamanya adalah kerana ia mendampingi orang orang yang soleh. Hanya kerana kebersamaannya dengan orang orang yang soleh maka kewujudannya diiktiraf oleh Allah swt di dalam Al-Qur'an. [Imam Ibnu Katheer rahimahullah adalah antara ulama' yang secara explicit menyebutkan pengajaran ini dalam kitab tafsirnya]
Tadabburkan lah pengajaran di atas!
Bak kata Imam As-Shafi'e rahimahullah yang lebih kurang maksudnya : Aku suka untuk berdamping dengan orang orang yang soleh, dan aku bukan lah dari mereka (orang orang soleh). Aku berharap agar pendampinganku bersama mereka dapat menjadi shafa'at buatku di akhirat kelak.
Renungkan secara mendalam, jika tidak mahu berada dalam kerugian. Allahu a'lam.
Anjing 2
Bukti akan kepentingan ilmu terserlah dalam perihal anjing. Bagaimana Allah swt mengharamkan bagi kita memakan haiwan yang telah dibunuh oleh binatang lain termasuk anjing (biasa), namun Allah swt menghalalkan bagi kita memakan haiwan yang telah digigit oleh anjing buruan kita.
Apakah yang membezakan seekor anjing biasa dan seekor anjing buruan? Garis bezanya hanyalah kerana ilmu. Hanyalah kerana ilmu. Hanyalah kerana ilmu.
Wa Allahu al-Musta'an.
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah was as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Kisah pemuda Ashabul Kahfi (sahabat sahabat gua) yang hidup di zaman 350 AD cukup terkenal dan tersemat di sanubari pemuda pemudi Islam. Pelbagai pengajaran yang boleh digarap dari kisah mereka.
Salah satu pengajaran yang menarik, dapat diteliti semasa Allah swt berfirman:
"(Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth,- doubtfully guessing at the unknown; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say thou: "My Lord knoweth best their number; It is but few that know their (real case)." Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about (the affair of) the Sleepers." (18:22)
Seseorang yang benar benar mentadabburi ayat di atas tentu tidak dapat menyembunyikan rasa kehairanan yang teramat apabila memerhatikan bahawa Allah swt menyebut frasa "dan anjing mereka" sehingga 3 kali.
Cuba kita perhatikan semula:
- Dan sesetengah mereka katakan bahawa mereka bertiga, dan yang keempat anjing mereka.
- Dan sesetengah mereka katakan bahawa mereka berlima, dan yang keenam anjing mereka.
- Dan sesetengah mereka katakan bahawa mereka bertujuh, dan yang kelapan anjing mereka.
Sebab apa perlu juga disebutkan "dan anjing mereka"? Sedangkan umum tahu bahawa pada kebiasaannya seekor anjing tidak membawa signifikasi dan tidak bernilai untuk dicatatkan.
Namun anjing ini mendapat penghargaan yang tidak ternilai apabila kewujudannya termaktub di dalam kalam Allah yang dimuliakan. Kata kata Allah yang darinya manusia disuruh mengambil pengajaran dan dijadikan sebagai panduan.
Dan tentunya Allah swt tidak membuat sesuatu dengan sia sia.
Bagaimana dan kenapa anjing ini begitu dimuliakan? Adakah kerena ia telah menggigit dan melawan penjahat? Tidak. Adakah kerana ia menyalak dan menjaga mereka dari bahaya? Juga tidak. Jadi apakah hikmah di sebaliknya?
Sesetengah ulama' rahimahullah menyatakan bahawa hikmah yang boleh diperolehi di sini ialah anjing tersebut mendapat tashreef dan dimuliakan di sisi Allah swt, sebab utamanya adalah kerana ia mendampingi orang orang yang soleh. Hanya kerana kebersamaannya dengan orang orang yang soleh maka kewujudannya diiktiraf oleh Allah swt di dalam Al-Qur'an. [Imam Ibnu Katheer rahimahullah adalah antara ulama' yang secara explicit menyebutkan pengajaran ini dalam kitab tafsirnya]
Tadabburkan lah pengajaran di atas!
Bak kata Imam As-Shafi'e rahimahullah yang lebih kurang maksudnya : Aku suka untuk berdamping dengan orang orang yang soleh, dan aku bukan lah dari mereka (orang orang soleh). Aku berharap agar pendampinganku bersama mereka dapat menjadi shafa'at buatku di akhirat kelak.
Renungkan secara mendalam, jika tidak mahu berada dalam kerugian. Allahu a'lam.
Anjing 2
Bukti akan kepentingan ilmu terserlah dalam perihal anjing. Bagaimana Allah swt mengharamkan bagi kita memakan haiwan yang telah dibunuh oleh binatang lain termasuk anjing (biasa), namun Allah swt menghalalkan bagi kita memakan haiwan yang telah digigit oleh anjing buruan kita.
Apakah yang membezakan seekor anjing biasa dan seekor anjing buruan? Garis bezanya hanyalah kerana ilmu. Hanyalah kerana ilmu. Hanyalah kerana ilmu.
Wa Allahu al-Musta'an.
Friday, June 04, 2004
Where Are You?
[Read this s l o w l y - with CONCENTRATION and with CAUTION!]
* It would help if you read the writings below ALOUD
Now try and take a deep breath and relax.
You are not relaxing. Take a deep breath again - slowly.
Relax. Feel the muscles in your body relaxing and easening out.
You have just read a sentence contained of a combination-of-words.
Words which are consisted of a group of l-e-t-t-e-r-s.
Your eye balls are moving from left to right - moving with the flow of this sentence.
Light is entering your eyes, neuro-signals are being sent to your brain to understand this writing.
Neuro-signals are again sent to your eye-balls.
Concentrate on your eyelids - they are moving - they are blinking in a random manner.
Where are YOU?
Are you INSIDE your head?
Suddenly you notice that you are breathing.
Tarik Nafas.
Hembus Nafas.
Your chest is moving up and down.
Where are YOU?
Are you INSIDE your chest?
Try and HEAR really hard.
Could you hear that humming sound coming from the computer fan?
Your ears are concentrating and focusing to hear the sound.
Where are you right now?
Are you back INSIDE your head?
Try and scroll down.
Your hands and fingers are MOVING!
Where are YOU right now?
Are you INSIDE your hands?
Have you ever noticed?
You are TRAPPED inside a temporal body.
[Read this s l o w l y - with CONCENTRATION and with CAUTION!]
* It would help if you read the writings below ALOUD
Now try and take a deep breath and relax.
You are not relaxing. Take a deep breath again - slowly.
Relax. Feel the muscles in your body relaxing and easening out.
You have just read a sentence contained of a combination-of-words.
Words which are consisted of a group of l-e-t-t-e-r-s.
Your eye balls are moving from left to right - moving with the flow of this sentence.
Light is entering your eyes, neuro-signals are being sent to your brain to understand this writing.
Neuro-signals are again sent to your eye-balls.
Concentrate on your eyelids - they are moving - they are blinking in a random manner.
Where are YOU?
Are you INSIDE your head?
Suddenly you notice that you are breathing.
Tarik Nafas.
Hembus Nafas.
Your chest is moving up and down.
Where are YOU?
Are you INSIDE your chest?
Try and HEAR really hard.
Could you hear that humming sound coming from the computer fan?
Your ears are concentrating and focusing to hear the sound.
Where are you right now?
Are you back INSIDE your head?
Try and scroll down.
Your hands and fingers are MOVING!
Where are YOU right now?
Are you INSIDE your hands?
Have you ever noticed?
You are TRAPPED inside a temporal body.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Human Beings and Water
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah was as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
In Tibb un-Nabawi (Zad ul-Ma'ad) by Imam Ibn Qayyim it is opined that human being is created from three main source of elements namely water, air and earth.
It's interesting to note that the element of earth without water, is an extremely dry and hard substance. It is easily shattered and breakable. Whereas humans are 70% water. Humans are not meant to be dry and hard hearted. A dry tongue is unable to taste the sweetness of food, as of a dry heart is unable to taste the sweetness of love, rahmah and eemaan. Eyes that are dry from overflowing tears are void of compassion.
With water and the abundance of rain, earth that is dead and barren is brought back to life . Without water, human beings are nearing its precinct of death. Do not become dry and hard - please, have emotions.
Allahu a'lam.
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah was as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
In Tibb un-Nabawi (Zad ul-Ma'ad) by Imam Ibn Qayyim it is opined that human being is created from three main source of elements namely water, air and earth.
It's interesting to note that the element of earth without water, is an extremely dry and hard substance. It is easily shattered and breakable. Whereas humans are 70% water. Humans are not meant to be dry and hard hearted. A dry tongue is unable to taste the sweetness of food, as of a dry heart is unable to taste the sweetness of love, rahmah and eemaan. Eyes that are dry from overflowing tears are void of compassion.
With water and the abundance of rain, earth that is dead and barren is brought back to life . Without water, human beings are nearing its precinct of death. Do not become dry and hard - please, have emotions.
Allahu a'lam.
Cross Culture?
Talk about inter-cultural-marriages :)
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Talk about inter-cultural-marriages :)
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Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Unrecognized Patterns
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah was as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Most people have the view that the Qur'an is not arranged in a recognizable pattern. This is only caused by the factor of their limited sight, clouded heart and lack of understanding. The similitude is of a lay person who views the bright shining stars during the night and unable to see their magnificent patterns. Humanity has taken hundreds if not thousands of years to understand the design patterns of the skies and universe. The beautiful architecture lay out of the Qur'an - only people with insight and understanding would comprehend.
Allahu a'lam.
Bismillah wa alhamdu lillah allazi laa ilaaha siwaah was as-solaatu wa as-salaamu 'ala rasulillah
Most people have the view that the Qur'an is not arranged in a recognizable pattern. This is only caused by the factor of their limited sight, clouded heart and lack of understanding. The similitude is of a lay person who views the bright shining stars during the night and unable to see their magnificent patterns. Humanity has taken hundreds if not thousands of years to understand the design patterns of the skies and universe. The beautiful architecture lay out of the Qur'an - only people with insight and understanding would comprehend.
Allahu a'lam.
Viewpoint: What the West can learn from Islam
By Imam Hamza Yusuf
Director of Zaytuna Institute, CA
Hamza Yusuf Hanson is an American convert to Islam. He is an outspoken advocate of better understanding between the Muslim world and the West.
Writing in the third century, the Arab poet Mutanabbi describes how a recipient of another's largesse will usually respond with either indebtedness or resentment :
'A generous soul is bought when it receives, a vile one returns good done with disease.'
Your response to another's good toward you determines your nature.
If good in nature, you will respond with indebtedness and respect; if vile, with resentment and envy.
Many of us in the West feel anger and resentment toward Islam and Muslims.
Often this is justified in our minds by the anger and resentment Muslims appear to have toward the West.
But what is largely at work is what is properly termed "the fallacy of personification," in which an abstract is referred to as though it were a person.
For instance, in the Muslim world one can hear cries of "Death to America!", but what is America? What is the UK?
It is impossible for us to really pin down the concept of America or the West and point to either of them; they are abstractions that do not have any real existence.
Is the America, that perhaps much of the Muslim world would like to see die, the 63-year-old schoolteacher from Florida who, just prior to the air bombardment of Baghdad and against her country's laws, flew to Iraq to serve as a human shield in protest of what "America" was doing?
What too is Islam or Muslims? Is there some monolithic entity we can point to and say, "There it is!"? Is Islam Muhammad Ali, one of the most loved and recognized athletes in the world?
It might behove us to learn more about this religion and its followers, especially considering the fact that we are talking about one sixth of humanity and a people who occupy a geographical area that extends from Asia to Africa latitudinally, and from Russia to South Africa longitudinally, not to mention the over 30 million Muslims living in the West.
In America alone, for example, there are over 15,000 Muslim physicians.
David Letterman, the American comedian, could say on national television, "I went to my doctor today and he said, 'Turn to Mecca and cough'" because millions of Americans would easily get the joke.
Our world is increasingly interdependent and pluralistic, and in order to ensure a civil future, we must get to know one another.
One of the most important ways to do this is to know what our different cultures have given to the world community.
All peoples have contributed to the overall progress and enhancement of human life.
To be aware of others' accomplishments and the indebtedness we have to so many people is to appreciate and begin to respect all members of the human family.
In a time when enmity and hatred are being exploited for personal and collective agendas, nothing is more important than eliminating the ground of hatred, and ignorance has always been the most fertile soil for the seeds of hatred.
In the case of Islam, this is especially true, and it is important that we reduce the unfortunate level of ignorance that presently exists in the West toward Islam as a religion and Muslims as a diverse people if we are to prevent hatred.
Understanding Islam
Western people can increase their understanding of Islam and Muslims in two ways.
First, we can find out about the almost unbelievable influence that Muslims have had on the progress and enhancement of life in the West.
In doing so, we will not only come to value the Muslims as a people more, but we will also come to esteem other peoples, such as the Chinese, from whom the Muslims brought so many inventions and goods to the West.
The second way we can foster better understanding is learning how Islam and Muslims can contribute to solving the very real problems of the present and future.
Prince Charles, for instance, made a pertinent point in a speech to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies when he remarked that the West must learn from Islam how to integrate science and religion, an area at which the Muslims have historically proved adept.
Indeed, there is much the West can learn from the congruity of science and true religion so often mentioned in the Koran itself.
Moral obligations
The West can also learn from Islam how to deal with the problem of race.
Arnold Toynbee mentions in a prescient and compelling essay written in the 1940's the extraordinary success Islam had in remedying the race problem and declared that the West had a great deal to learn from Islam.
He felt the danger of a race war was quite imminent in the world, and seeing the possibility of that war being launched in Muslim lands against the conquering West, he felt it was important to conciliate Islam and acknowledge the immense power it has had in freeing a large part of the world's population from segregation and exploitation by recognizing and affirming the brotherhood of the "children of Adam and Eve."
The Koran declares, "We have made you a plurality of races and tribes for you to know each other."
If we reflect on the animosities that exist today as a result of ignorance and stereotyping of other people, it is easy to recognize that "knowing one another" is one of the most pressing moral obligations challenging humanity today.
Martin Luther King said, "If we don't live as brothers, we will die as fools."
The human family is a great one and the Muslim branch is certainly worth knowing.
By Imam Hamza Yusuf
Director of Zaytuna Institute, CA
Hamza Yusuf Hanson is an American convert to Islam. He is an outspoken advocate of better understanding between the Muslim world and the West.
Writing in the third century, the Arab poet Mutanabbi describes how a recipient of another's largesse will usually respond with either indebtedness or resentment :
'A generous soul is bought when it receives, a vile one returns good done with disease.'
Your response to another's good toward you determines your nature.
If good in nature, you will respond with indebtedness and respect; if vile, with resentment and envy.
Many of us in the West feel anger and resentment toward Islam and Muslims.
Often this is justified in our minds by the anger and resentment Muslims appear to have toward the West.
But what is largely at work is what is properly termed "the fallacy of personification," in which an abstract is referred to as though it were a person.
For instance, in the Muslim world one can hear cries of "Death to America!", but what is America? What is the UK?
It is impossible for us to really pin down the concept of America or the West and point to either of them; they are abstractions that do not have any real existence.
Is the America, that perhaps much of the Muslim world would like to see die, the 63-year-old schoolteacher from Florida who, just prior to the air bombardment of Baghdad and against her country's laws, flew to Iraq to serve as a human shield in protest of what "America" was doing?
What too is Islam or Muslims? Is there some monolithic entity we can point to and say, "There it is!"? Is Islam Muhammad Ali, one of the most loved and recognized athletes in the world?
It might behove us to learn more about this religion and its followers, especially considering the fact that we are talking about one sixth of humanity and a people who occupy a geographical area that extends from Asia to Africa latitudinally, and from Russia to South Africa longitudinally, not to mention the over 30 million Muslims living in the West.
In America alone, for example, there are over 15,000 Muslim physicians.
David Letterman, the American comedian, could say on national television, "I went to my doctor today and he said, 'Turn to Mecca and cough'" because millions of Americans would easily get the joke.
Our world is increasingly interdependent and pluralistic, and in order to ensure a civil future, we must get to know one another.
One of the most important ways to do this is to know what our different cultures have given to the world community.
All peoples have contributed to the overall progress and enhancement of human life.
To be aware of others' accomplishments and the indebtedness we have to so many people is to appreciate and begin to respect all members of the human family.
In a time when enmity and hatred are being exploited for personal and collective agendas, nothing is more important than eliminating the ground of hatred, and ignorance has always been the most fertile soil for the seeds of hatred.
In the case of Islam, this is especially true, and it is important that we reduce the unfortunate level of ignorance that presently exists in the West toward Islam as a religion and Muslims as a diverse people if we are to prevent hatred.
Understanding Islam
Western people can increase their understanding of Islam and Muslims in two ways.
First, we can find out about the almost unbelievable influence that Muslims have had on the progress and enhancement of life in the West.
In doing so, we will not only come to value the Muslims as a people more, but we will also come to esteem other peoples, such as the Chinese, from whom the Muslims brought so many inventions and goods to the West.
The second way we can foster better understanding is learning how Islam and Muslims can contribute to solving the very real problems of the present and future.
Prince Charles, for instance, made a pertinent point in a speech to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies when he remarked that the West must learn from Islam how to integrate science and religion, an area at which the Muslims have historically proved adept.
Indeed, there is much the West can learn from the congruity of science and true religion so often mentioned in the Koran itself.
Moral obligations
The West can also learn from Islam how to deal with the problem of race.
Arnold Toynbee mentions in a prescient and compelling essay written in the 1940's the extraordinary success Islam had in remedying the race problem and declared that the West had a great deal to learn from Islam.
He felt the danger of a race war was quite imminent in the world, and seeing the possibility of that war being launched in Muslim lands against the conquering West, he felt it was important to conciliate Islam and acknowledge the immense power it has had in freeing a large part of the world's population from segregation and exploitation by recognizing and affirming the brotherhood of the "children of Adam and Eve."
The Koran declares, "We have made you a plurality of races and tribes for you to know each other."
If we reflect on the animosities that exist today as a result of ignorance and stereotyping of other people, it is easy to recognize that "knowing one another" is one of the most pressing moral obligations challenging humanity today.
Martin Luther King said, "If we don't live as brothers, we will die as fools."
The human family is a great one and the Muslim branch is certainly worth knowing.